If you are starting a business, it is key to understand the importance of creating your own brand. Building a brand name and identity is just as big a part of your business as the products you sell or services you offer. Here are a couple of key points to consider on how to start and build your… Read More »

If you are starting a business, it is key to understand the importance of creating your own brand. Building a brand name and identity is just as big a part of your business as the products you sell or services you offer. Here are a couple of key points to consider on how to start and build your brand.

Identifying your Customer Base

When it comes to starting your brand, it is good to have a clear idea of who you are wishing to sell to. There is no point in creating a young, trendy brand if, in fact, your target market is for older professionals.

If your service or product is for a niche audience, you won’t get very far trying to appeal to a mass market which may alienate your key consumers in the process. Instead, make sure you do your research. The person using your product may not actually end up being the person who buys it.

A prime example of this is parents and children – yes, the child may use the toy but it is definitely the parent who will be the purchaser, so make sure to factor this into your marketing. Equally, you need to know before starting your brand whether or not you plan to be a company that is B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to consumer).

Selling within an industry is radically different than selling directly to the customer, so make sure to know which category you are planning to fall into in order to make the most of your brand’s potential.

Choosing a Great Name and Logo

We all know big name brands who are recognisable from the moment you look at their logo. Visual identification of a brand has always been significant and never more so than now with the rise of the social media marketplace. It is a good idea to check out your competition to see how you can stand out from the crowd, with colour, typeface and design all equally important.

Choosing a name for your business is just as important as selecting the right logo. Your brand name is integral to creating an identity for your business and not only helps customers to find you but also to keep them coming back. Click here for more ideas and inspiration when it comes to choosing a name for your business.

Consumers want to know what your product does or what your business services offer at a glance, so remember to choose a name that is targeted to your chosen market and not too vague. Try not to copy your competitors and keep things original, and always remember to check if you can register your business as a domain name as having a strong online presence is integral for the majority of companies nowadays.

Lastly, consider how you want your business’s name and logo to appear. Is it scalable? How will it look on a variety of products and advertisements? Once you are happy with your logo and name’s appeal, you are ready to start building your brand.

  1. Cyber Law: Digital Signatures(Opens in a new browser tab)
Updated On 30 March 2020 8:11 PM IST
Mayank Shekhar

Mayank Shekhar

Mayank is an alumnus of the prestigious Faculty of Law, Delhi University. Under his leadership, Legal Bites has been researching and developing resources through blogging, educational resources, competitions, and seminars.

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