Many players who engage in online gambling activities don’t understand how the industry is regulated. In a perfect world, they shouldn’t have to, since the sector would be regulated uniformly around the globe. However, this world isn’t perfect, and because of this, regulation is something that must be understood and carefully considered. Despite being around for some time,… Read More »

Many players who engage in online gambling activities don’t understand how the industry is regulated. In a perfect world, they shouldn’t have to, since the sector would be regulated uniformly around the globe. However, this world isn’t perfect, and because of this, regulation is something that must be understood and carefully considered. Despite being around for some time, the online casino industry is still relatively young. Moreover, while its regulatory and legal landscape...

Many players who engage in online gambling activities don’t understand how the industry is regulated. In a perfect world, they shouldn’t have to, since the sector would be regulated uniformly around the globe. However, this world isn’t perfect, and because of this, regulation is something that must be understood and carefully considered.

Despite being around for some time, the online casino industry is still relatively young. Moreover, while its regulatory and legal landscape has significantly improved in recent years, it’s still not as well-regulated as it should. In this article, we’ll discuss its importance and briefly go over localised legislation and the requirements to secure a license.

Internet gambling regulation — why is it important?

Online gaming and betting involve monetary transactions with what are essentially faceless entities and third parties in many cases. People across the globe deposit money to gambling websites, but few know anything about the organisations running the sites. This is ultimately what the point of having a regulated gambling industry is — to ease the concerns of users that the online casinos and live dealer games they deal with are reputable and that they can play casino games with no worries.

The regulation of online gambling serves the purposes of ensuring that all gambling websites operate within the boundaries of the law, engage in ethical practices, and treat players fairly. Unfortunately, while the vast majority of online casinos are compliant and operate lawfully, there are still rogue sites that act outside of the law. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to be mindful of which site you choose to join.

Local legislation in online gambling

There’s no global governing body that regulates every online gambling website. And there’s a possibility that there won’t ever be one, primarily because of the existence of too many separated parties. Nevertheless, it’s something that everyone needs to accept. While internet gaming boasts many advantages over brick-and-mortar casinos, the downside is that the laws will vary depending on location. In some places, the activity may be prohibited, while in others, it’s legalised.

In other words, it’s essential to look into what the online gambling laws of your area are before you begin playing. It may not be the most exciting aspect of engaging in the activity, but it can save you a lot of trouble.

Licensing requirements

The requirements needed to put up and operate an online casino will be determined by where they’re based and the services offered. However, there are essentials that will never change. Here are some of the typical requirements:

  • Suitability of executives and owners
  • Accounting procedures
  • Games’ fairness
  • Preventative measures for underage gambling
  • Complaint handling

The abovementioned requirements are there so that the regulation serves the purposes highlighted earlier. Therefore, you must only use websites that are properly regulated and licensed.


It isn’t easy to predict how online gambling’s regulation will develop. While the ideal solution would be to have a single governing body to cover the industry globally, it’s not likely to happen any time soon. But when all’s said and done, legislation will likely evolve for places where internet casinos are legal to operate. Moreover, as it becomes more refined, it’ll protect both the businesses and its players, ensuring that all parties involved mutually benefit from the activity.

  1. Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary and Entrance Exams
  2. Legal Bites Academy – Ultimate Test Prep Destination
Updated On 12 Dec 2023 12:25 AM IST
Admin Legal Bites

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