Should I Seek Counseling for My Work Anxiety?
When it comes to working in a stressful environment, there are so many things that can cause you to feel anxiety. In some instances, this may be considered work anxiety, which is a mental health concern that should be addressed when possible. Keep reading for details on this condition and how to treat it through therapy. What is… Read More »

When it comes to working in a stressful environment, there are so many things that can cause you to feel anxiety. In some instances, this may be considered work anxiety, which is a mental health concern that should be addressed when possible. Keep reading for details on this condition and how to treat it through therapy.
What is Work Anxiety?
Work anxiety is anxiety that you experience at work. It may be due to the type of work you do, or because you are being treated a certain way on the job. If you experience too much stress at work, this may lead to you feeling anxiety, which when left untreated, may lead to the development of an anxiety disorder. If you experience stress or anxiety on the job, you may want to consider therapy.
If you work a high stress job, such as in the case of a lawyer, you may be more likely to experience work anxiety. For instance, a published article notes that high demand or high stress jobs can cause someone to experience anxiety or could lead to depression. These things may be reason enough for you to pay attention to what is happening when you feel like you have work anxiety.
Symptoms of Work Anxiety
There are a few symptoms to watch out for when you think that you may be affected by work anxiety. You might feel worried often, sweat, have an elevated heartbeat, experience shakes, and could have trouble finishing projects that you are working on. Besides these things, you might have difficulty sleeping, or find yourself tired more often than not. When one or more of these symptoms is present, it may be time to work with a counselor.
Treatment for Work Anxiety
Once you suspect that you have work anxiety, you should talk to a therapist about this. A professional counselor should be able to not only tell you how to work through your anxiety and stress, but they should also be able to assist you in coming to terms with what is going on in your workplace and how it is affecting you.
Perhaps you are being asked to do more work than is possible to complete, or the projects you are working on are too demanding. A therapist will be able to lend a hand when it comes to thinking differently about stressful situations and how you might be able to work more efficiently to meet your goals. When you are ready to talk to a counselor, check out for more information.
As NAMI, or the National Alliance on Mental Illness explains, work anxiety can happen to anyone and it isn’t always a cause for concern. However, when this anxiety affects you quite often and prevents you from being able to do your job efficiently or complete other things that you need to get done, seeing a therapist is a good idea. They can help you learn how to manage anxiety, talk to you about changes you should make, and express ways in which you can work through your anxiety.
It is important to remember that there are treatment options available for anxiety, and when you are able to take advantage of them, you may see less work anxiety in your daily life. There is a chance that you can learn stress management techniques or that your doctor will be able to prescribe a medicine for you to manage certain symptoms you are having. In other words, there are a few ways that anxiety can be treated, which means there is hope out there for getting over your work anxiety. Be sure you take some time for you and get the help you need. Therapy may be able to help you get back to work and get through your day.