Assam Judicial Services Examination | Syllabus, Eligibility, Exam Pattern and Application
Find every required detail related to the Assam Judicial Services Exam, such as eligibility criteria, age limit, exam pattern, and syllabus.

Find every required detail related to the Assam Judicial Services Exam, such as eligibility criteria, age limit, exam pattern, and syllabus.
Assam Judicial Services Examination | Syllabus, Eligibility, Exam Pattern and Application
Gauhati High Court conducts the Assam Judicial Services Exam for the recruitment of Grade III posts. Gauhati High Court releases several vacancies almost every year or two for the recruitment of Grade III posts on their official website.
This is an entry-level examination for law graduates to get appointed in the subordinate judiciary. The examination consists of a Preliminary Examination(Screening Test), a Main(Written) Examination, and a Viva Voce/Interview.
- Citizen of India as defined in Articles 5 and 6 of the Constitution.
- Bachelor's degree in law granted by a recognized university.
Age Limit
- 38 years or below (for unreserved category)
- 43 years of age in the case of SC/ST.
- Assam Judicial Services Examination Pattern
The Assam Judicial Services Exam involves three stages: -
Stage I - Preliminary Exam (Objective Exam)-100 marks
Stage II - Mains Exam (Written)- 450 marks
Stage III - Viva Voice (Interview)- 50 marks
Preliminary Syllabus
The Preliminary Examination(Screening Test) shall consist of objective-type questions of 100 marks of which 90 marks will cover the below-mentioned subjects-
- General Knowledge
- Aptitude, English
- Constitution of India
- Code of Civil procedure
- Criminal Procedure Code
- Transfer of Property Act
- Indian Contract Act
- Indian Penal Code
- Indian Evidence Act
- Law of Torts
- Proficiency in the official language (s) of the State of Assam (Remaining 10 Marks)
In Prelims, there are a total number of 100 questions of 1 mark each.
There is no negative marking for wrong answers.
Paper duration- 2 hours.
Mains (Written) examination is carried out to test the practical abilities of the candidate and his overall understanding of the subject.
Paper 1 – English (100 marks: 3 hours)
- Essay
- Precis Writing
- Grammar
Paper 2 – General Knowledge (100 marks: 3 hours)
- Objective Test
- Aptitude Test
Paper 3 – Law Paper 1 (100 marks: 3 hours)
- Transfer of Property Act
- Constitution of India
- Civil Procedure Code
- Indian Contract Act
Paper 4 – Law Paper 2 (100 marks: 3 hours)
- Indian Penal Code
- Criminal Procedure Code
- Law of Torts
- Indian Evidence Act
Paper 5- Paper to test the proficiency in the official language in the State of Assam ( Assamese) (Qualifying in Nature) (50 Marks: 2 hours)
Interview/ Viva Voce (50 marks)
Selection Criteria
- Minimum 60% marks are required in Prelims to qualify for the Mains exam.
- Minimum 60% marks overall are required in Mains to become eligible for Interview/Viva Voce, subject to minimum of 45% marks required in all individual papers except for language paper.
- For SC/ST candidates 50 % marks overall + 40% in individual papers are required in Mains to become eligible for Interview/Viva Voce.
- 35% Marks are required to qualify for a Language paper.
- Candidates shall have to secure minimum 60% marks in the interview round.
Official Website
For more information, Click Here
Important Links
Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary, and Entrance Exams