Nirma University Call for Blogs is being invited by Nirma University, Centre for Intellectual Property Rights’ IP Blog with No Fees.

Nirma University Call for Blogs is being invited by Nirma University, Centre for Intellectual Property Rights' IP Blog with No Fees.

About the Centre

The Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR) has been established at the Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad to promote research and develop unique perspectives on a range of issues concerning Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and its allied fields.

The primary objective of CIPR, ILNU is to create an inclusive and open space to spread awareness, encourage academic research and foster opinions related to contemporary issues in the field of IPR and ensure learning.

About The IP Blog

"The IP Blog" is an endeavour to further the goal of CIPR. It aims to facilitate the publication of blogs and articles on a myriad of issues surrounding IPR. The purpose behind this initiative is to create an environment for knowledge, research and exchange of opinions amongst IP enthusiasts.

With this, the Centre aims to build a community of IP Law enthusiasts and provide them with an engaging platform to learn and engage to expand their knowledge in the exciting and rapidly developing field of IPR.


The objective of the blog is to facilitate the free flow of thoughts and opinions regarding Intellectual Property and its interface with other fields of law. The blogs must have close nexus with Intellectual Property Law. The submission must be made in the form of article, blog or case comments, or as a response to an existing post on this blog.

Submission Requirements

  • The submission should not exceed 1200 words. Flexibility may be allowed only if it is necessary. The word limit is exclusive of end notes.
  • Blog entries must be written in English. Submissions must be made in .doc /.docx /.odt formats only.
  • All relevant authorities and sources shall be cited in the format of 20 th Bluebook HarvardCitation as End Notes.
  • Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of 2 authors only.
  • The submission should be the original and unpublished work of Author(s) and should be free of plagiarism (including self-plagiarism).
  • Also, the submission made should not be under review on any other journal or blog platform.

Submission Guidelines

  • All relevant authorities and sources shall be cited in the format of 20th Bluebook Harvard Citation as End Notes.
  • The submission must conform to the following:
    • Style: Times New Roman
    • Main Text Size: 12
    • Endnotes Size: 10
    • Line Spacing: 1.5
    • Alignment: Justified
  • The Author (s) must include brief information (not exceeding two lines) below the title in the submission.

How to Submit?

The submission shall be mailed at [email protected] with the subject line "CIPR Submission".

  • The email must contain: Name, Email ID and Contact Number of the author (s)
  • Several submissions of the same entry (even with modifications) will not be considered and only the first submission emailed will be acknowledged.


Submitted By: Organising Committee

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