GNLU ProBono Club Workshop | Rising to Meet the Challenge: Pro Bono Legal Aid response to Domestic Violence
The GNLU ProBono Club is proud to announce it’s inaugural session on the 16th of September, 2022 with a GNLU ProBono Club Workshop as a Virtual Capacity Building Session on the topic “Rising to Meet the Challenge: Pro Bono Legal Aid response to Domestic Violence.”

The GNLU ProBono Club is proud to announce it's inaugural session on the 16th of September, 2022 with a GNLU ProBono Club Workshop as a Virtual Capacity Building Session on the topic "Rising to Meet the Challenge: Pro Bono Legal Aid response to Domestic Violence."
About the GNLU ProBono Club
The GNLU Pro Bono Club is being constituted under the aegis of the University. The club is being created as a measure to fulfill the vision of the newly constituted Pan India scheme on Access to Justice titled 'Designing Innovative Solutions and Holistic Access to Justice (DISHA)' in association with the Department of Justice, Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India and under the scheme 'NyayBandhu (pro bono legal services)'.
The Pro Bono Club Scheme has been conceptualized to strengthen the existing Nyaya Bandhu program, by integrating law schools and students within its fold. The primary objective of this scheme is to improve the efficiency and quality of ProBono legal services by providing assistance to pro bono advocates through competent law students.
About GNLU ProBono Club Workshop
The one-day capacity-building workshop on Probono legal aid to domestic violence aims to provide legal professionals with an overview of the issues plaguing domestic violence redressal mechanisms and the challenges faced in the litigation of domestic violence and abuse cases. The workshop aims to integrate the legal issues, emerging debates regarding the scope of domestic violence laws in India, and the social background in which the fight against domestic violence plays out.
Through the discussions on domestic violence from these three broadly classified perspectives, we aim to emphasize the importance of legislative reforms as well as the need for ProBono assistance to domestic violence cases. Further, discussions on trauma intervention and victim sensitization will develop an understanding of the appropriate practices to approach victims and trials that affect victims. The session aims to not only disseminate information but also open the floor for critiquing and examining current procedural and substantive laws.
Certificates will be issued to all the participants by the GNLU ProBono Club and the Department of Justice. Please fill the registration form with the correct details to receive the certificate in a timely manner. Attendance during the workshop is mandatory to receive the certificate.
Resource Persons
Prof. (Dr). V.S. Elizabeth
Dr. V.S. Elizabeth is a professor of History at National Law School, Bengaluru. Her areas of research interest cover topics in History, Women, and Law. She is particularly interested in the socio-economic history of the Early Medieval Period in India and the Status of Women from 1500 B.C to the present. In Women and Law, her research interests are in the areas of Domestic Violence and Sexual Harassment. She is a resource person on women and law-related topics for the National Judicial Academy, Bhopal, National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development, Bangalore, and other national institutions. She is a member of the Indian History Congress and the Indian Association of Women's Studies. She served as a member of the governing board of the High-Level Committee on Status of Women, Government of India (2012-2013).
She has nearly twenty publications to her credit in these areas in various journals and books such as "Gender, Violence and the Law in Indian Society" in Gender Justice in the Church and Society, and "Inevitability of Rewriting Indian History from a Feminist Perspective" in Journal of Dharma among other notable works
Dr. Jharna Pathak
Jharna Pathak is an Assistant Professor at, the Gujarat Institute of Development Research, and Secretary, Ahmedabad Women's Action Group, Ahmedabad. Dr. Pathak's research interests are policy and institutional development in the areas of natural resource management, gender, and development.
She has contributed to debates on community-based natural resource management through research studies. She has co-authored a book on Community Natural Resource Management and Poverty in India: Evidence from Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, published by Sage Publications in 2016. She has also co-edited a volume of essays titled, Tribal Development in Western India, published by Routledge
Currently, she is focusing on two areas of research: one, understanding the socio-legal help in protecting women victims of domestic violence, and two, effectiveness and outcomes of managing the village commons through community participation. As a Trustee at AWAG since 2014, Dr Pathak has participated in various Forums and Networks on the issue of gender equality and justice.
Advocate Prachi Pratap
Prachi Pratap studied law at the University of Lucknow. She is a partner with Pratap & Company, a law firm based out of Delhi. Prachi has diverse litigation experience in the High Court and Supreme Court of India. She is featured in Forbes Legal Powerlist 100 lawyers, 2022. Her webinar on Cybersecurity Laws & Regulations – Discussing Roadmap for India is amongst the recommended webinars by The Hon'ble High Court of Telangana.
Prior to completing Law school and commencing her legal career, Adv. Pratap worked as a social entrepreneur. She delivered lectures and presentations on the same. She also worked closely with many Non-profit organizations in discussing policy implementation at the ground level. Prachi has a long-standing commitment to the rights of children and women. She is also vocal about environmental protection and pollution. She has written her views on the same for The Quint.
She has delivered a TEDx talk at IGDTU on "Empowering one, empowering million." She has been the keynote speaker in multiple webinars and panel discussions on a plethora of topics ranging from Constitutional Law and COrporate Surveillance, to topics in the arena of Gender Equality and Environmental Laws. She also co-authored the book, "The corporate Women's Little Diary".
How to Register?
The workshop will be conducted online on the Cisco Webex Platform 3:15 pm onwards. To register, please fill in your details in this form. The last date of registration is 16th September 2022 by 2:30 pm.
Brochure: Click Here
In case of any queries, please email [email protected] or contact student co-ordinator Shabri Bose (+91 72074 94772)
Submitted By: Organising Committee
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