The Hindu Law Mains Question Answer Series 3, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Hindu Law.

The Hindu Law Mains Question Answer Series 3, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Hindu Law, including modules such as Karta of a Joint Hindu Family.

Legal Bites presents Part III of the Hindu Law Mains Questions Series. The questions listed here, which are arranged by section, will help students studying for Judiciary, APO, or University Exams. Candidates can use Legal Bites' list of questions to help them determine the most important and often asked questions, as well as practice their aptitude and knowledge.

Answering questions is a continuous process that is an inevitable component of any test preparation, as we all know. A well-written response displays not just a candidate's knowledge, but also his or her ability to tailor the content to the question's requirements.

It is vital to thoroughly prepare for this exam to pass it. To attain mastery over the subjects studied, applicants only need to keep practicing these questions in the months coming up to the examinations. Following it, the candidate's confidence level, as well as their scores, will vastly improve.

Hindu Law Mains Question Series Part III

Question 1

  1. What is partition and how does it differ in Dhayabhaga and Mitakshara Schools? Name some properties which are incapable of division.
  2. Write a note on notional partition— A joint Mitakshara family consists of M and his two sons N, O and sons NS and a daughter ND of N. N dies. Divide the property of N. [UPJS 1992]

Question 2

What do you mean by Karta of a joint Hindu Family? What power can a Karta exercise in a joint Hindu Family? Discuss. [BJS 2018]

Question 3

Write the difference between joint family and self-acquired properties. [BJS 1986]

Question 4

Write a short note on the self-acquired property. [BJS 2006]

Question 5

Write a short note on Hindu Undivided Family. [BJS 2011]

Question 6

A and his three sons, B, C and D constituted a Mitakshara coparcenary. B get himself separated. Then A dies leaving behind the three sons and a widow W. B demands a share in the interest of A in the coparcenary property as well as his separate property. But other heirs refuse to give him. Decide. [HJS 2011]

Question 7

What do you understand by the expression " Joint Hindu Family governed by the Mitakshara law"? [HJS 2015]

Question 8

A inherits certain property from his father. A has a son B, wife C and a daughter D. A and B are coparceners. Explain with reasons how the property would devolve in each of the cases—

    1. If A died prior to the Hindu women's Rights to Property Act, 1937.
    2. If A died after the Hindu Women's Right to Property Act, 1937 was brought into force.
    3. If A died after the Hindu Succession Act, 1956. [RJS 1977]

Question 9

A and his sons B and C constituted a coparcenary. B separates himself after getting 1/3rd share of coparcenary property. A dies intestate leaving his surviving daughter D and sons B and C. Examine the claims of daughter D and son B to the property (coparcenary and self-acquired) left by A. [DJS 1980]

Question 10

A joint Hindu family was in possession of nucleus sufficient to make fresh acquisitions. Certain fresh acquisitions were acquired in the name of the members of the family in charge of the management of the joint property. Could the fresh acquisitions be treated as part of the joint Hindu family property? Decide. [DJS 1982]

Question 11

"Coparcenary interest in Mitakshara School of Hindu law has been considered as source of discrimination between male and female Hindu heirs of a propositus. Time to time laws have been made to dilute this concept." Critically examine the statement. [OJS 2022]

Question 12

Discuss the meaning of de facto guardian. Explain its power and status under the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956. [OJS 2022]

Question 13
Draw a distinction between Stridhan and Dower.

Updated On 7 Jan 2025 5:55 PM IST
Admin Legal Bites

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