Hindu Law Mains Question Answer Series 6: Important Questions for Judiciary, APO & University Exams | Part – VI
The Hindu Law Mains Question Answer Series 6, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Hindu Law, including modules such as Joint Hindu Family, Coparcener and Coparcenary Property. Legal Bites presents Part VI of the Hindu Law Mains Questions Series.

The Hindu Law Mains Question Answer Series 6, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Hindu Law, including modules such as Joint Hindu Family, Coparcener and Coparcenary Property.
Legal Bites presents Part VI of the Hindu Law Mains Questions Series. The questions listed here, which are arranged by section, will help students study for Judiciary, APO, or University Exams. Candidates can use Legal Bites' list of questions to help them determine the most important and often asked questions and practice their aptitude and knowledge.
Answering questions is a continuous process that is an inevitable component of any test preparation, as we all know. A well-written response displays not just a candidate's knowledge but also his or her ability to tailor the content to the question's requirements.
It is vital to prepare for this exam to pass it thoroughly. To attain mastery over the subjects studied, applicants only need to keep practicing these questions in the months coming up to the examinations. Following it, the candidate's confidence level, as well as their scores, will vastly improve.
Hindu Law Mains Question Answer Series 6
Question 1
Define Hindu Joint Family property. State various modes of partition of joint Family Property. Can a partition of Hindu joint property be reopened? If so explain the circumstances. [BJS 2006]
Question 2
Who are Coparceners and what are their rights? State whether a daughter, who wants to remain unmarried, can claim partition in the Coparcenary property. [HJS 1998]
Question 3
How, in what manner, and to what extent of Mitakshara Coparcenary has been affected/modified by the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005? [HJS 2006]
Question 4
Write a short note on right of a minor in ancestral property. [RJS 1991]
Question 5
A, a Hindu alienates coparcenary property in the lifetime of his son B without B's consent and without justifying necessity. B dies 2 years the sale. Six months after B's death, another, son C is born to A's wife from 'A'. Discuss the right of 'C' who want to challenge the sale made by his father 'A' [DJS 2000]
Question 6
Section 6 of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 deals with the devolution of interest in Coparcenary Property amongst the members of the Coparcenary.
- What do you understand by Hindu Mitakshara Coparcenary?
- What are the rights and liabilities of the daughters in Hindu Mitakshara Coparcenary Property?
- Can a daughter make a will of coparcenary property? [DJS 2011]
Question 7
What are the essential features of a coparcenary property? [DJS 2015]
Question 8
Specify the status of a Hindu woman in regard to her right in Hindu joint Family properties at present. [UPJS 1987]
Question 9
The real brothers Hukum Singh and Sukhram and Sukhhram's son Chhida constituted a joint Hindu family governed by the Benares school of Mitakshara law under which a coparcener without obtaining the consent of the other coparceners was not competent to sell his undivided shares for his own benefit. Hukum Singh died in the year 1952, and his widow Shrimati Kishan Devi on 15.11.1965 sold ½ share in the family house and shop of Gauri Shankar and Chhida filed a suit which was contested up to the Supreme Court of India (Appeal No. 21 of 1965).
- Whether the sale Deed is liable to be cancelled.
- Whether the Hindu widow's right in the property of the joint Hindu family became larger than her deceased husband.
- Whether Krishna Devi continues to have only a limited interest.
- Whether the Hindu widow Kirshan Devi had already become absolute owner. [UPJS 1988]
Question 10
The author of Dayabhaga, while acting on the principle of father's exclusive ownership over family's property lays down restrictions on his sons and reserves more than double share for himself. The author of Mitakshara, on the other hand, recognising equal right of father and sons over the family property in father's hand, says that the partition of the same may be the father and not arbitrarily at any time.
Give fully the rationale behind these apparently self-contradictory propositions taken by these two celebrated authorities in Hindu Law in developing the institution of the family. Do you discover from these provisions any special characteristics of the concept of ownership as evolved in the Hindu system? [BJS 1978]
Question 11
Explain the term of Pinda both according to the Dayabhaga, and the Mitakshara Schools Enumerate the different classes of heirs according to these schools. [BJS 1978]
Question 12
"The School of Hindu Law have originated as result of interpretation placed on some expressions to be found in Yagnavalkya-Smriti". [BJS 1987]