Geeta Institute of Law, Panipat, and Geeta University, Panipat are organising an International Conference on Contemporary Trends in Comparative Constitutional Law. Scroll down for more details!

Geeta Institute of Law, Panipat, and Geeta Global Law School, Geeta University, Panipat, in collaboration with The Kathmandu School of Law, Nepal, are organising an International Conference on the theme "Contemporary Trends in Comparative Constitutional Law: Deliberating the Issues and Challenges" on 26th November 2023 (Sunday).

About Organisers

Geeta Global Law School, Geeta University, Panipat, Law department at Geeta University aims to provide legal guidance for corporate management. It also strives to make legal education more modern, relevant, and job-oriented by revising the syllabus and adding new courses such as Competition Law, Cyber Law, International Trade Law, etc.

Geeta Institute of Law Panipat is a prestigious law school affiliated with Kurukshetra University and the Bar Council of India. The institute offers various courses and activities to enhance the legal skills of its students, such as Moot Court, Legal Aid, Internship, and Placement.

Kathmandu School of Law (KSL) is a community-based, non-profit law school affiliated with Purbanchal University. It aims to provide pragmatic, research-based and community-responsive legal education in Nepal. It is the first and only QAA-certified law school by the University Grants Commission, Nepal.

About the Conference

Given the context of the functions that the Constitutions are mandated to perform, they are meant to be living documents. The idea is also supported by the fact that the societies which the Constitutions govern are dynamic in nature and, therefore, subject to constant change. Comparative Constitutional Law as a discipline provides different avenues for a better understanding and solutions to these changes and consequent issues. The changing dimensions of globalized societies and the emergent issues have time and again posed many questions about the very role and place of the Constitutions. Consequently, contemporary issues have opened new avenues for future discourse in some of the most foundational areas; it is where the role of comparison between constitutions becomes relevant and important.

Therefore, there is an urgent need to deliberate on some aspects concerning its role in today’s social and legal scenario and how the best results can be achieved with the tool of comparison. Considering it to be an area of utmost importance, this International Conference aims to provide a platform for all scholarly minds to share their ideas and new approaches to entertain the questions relating to contemporary constitutional issues around the globe. At the same time, the Conference will bring out exceptional scholarship to show light on the future discourse of Comparative Constitutional Law.


Contemporary Trends in Comparative Constitutional Law: Deliberating the Issues and Challenges.


  • Interpretation of the Fundamental Rights
  • Rights of the LGBTQIA++ Community
  • Concept and Importance of Comparison in Constitutional Law
  • Affirmative Action across the World
  • Theoretical Aspects Related to Comparative Constitutional Law
  • Anti-Discrimination Provision of the Constitutions
  • Gender Parity on the World Level
  • Significance of Other Social Sciences in Comparative Constitutional Law
  • Independence of State Institutions and the Constitutions
  • Limitations attached to the Comparative Exercises
Note: The above-mentioned sub-themes are not exhaustive. The author can select any other sub-theme related to the central theme.

Submission Guidelines

For Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 250 words and must be accompanied by a cover page stating the following:

  • Sub-theme of the paper
  • Title of the Paper
  • Name of the author (s)
  • E-mail address of the author (s)
  • Postal address and Contact Number of the author (s)
  • The ABSTRACT must be emailed to [email protected] with the subject “SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACT FOR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE” on or before 05th October 2023.

For Full Research Paper: The following guidelines should be followed:

  • The paper should have a length of 4000 to 6000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
  • There can be only one author and one co-author. The inclusion of more than one co-author will result in automatic disqualification.
  • The main text should be in Times New Roman with font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10, with single line spacing.
  • One-inch margins on all sides should be maintained.
  • Citation style: Harvard’s Bluebook Legal Citation System, 20th Edition.
  • All correspondence must be sent to email: [email protected]
  • The FULL PAPER must be emailed to [email protected] with the subject “SUBMISSION OF FULL PAPER FOR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE” on or before 10th November 2023.
  • Note: All submissions must be the author’s original and unpublished work. A similarity index (plagiarism) of more than 10 % will attract immediate disqualification.

Mode of Presentation

  • For Indian participants, presentations will be conducted in Offline Mode.
  • For International participants, the mode of the presentation shall be Online: through Zoom or Google Meet.

Important Dates

  • Submission of Abstract 05th October 2023
  • Confirmation of Abstract 10th October 2023
  • Last date for Payment of Fees & Registration 20th October 2023
  • Submission of Full Paper 10th November 2023
  • International Conference 26th November 2023 (Sunday)

Registration Fees

For Indian Participants

I. Student

  • Registration Fee (Single Author): INR 750.
  • Registration Fee (Two Co-Authors): INR 1200.

II. Research Scholar

  • Registration Fee (Single Author): INR 1000.
  • Registration Fee (Two Co-Authors): INR 1500.

III. Academician and Professional

  • Registration Fee (Single Author): INR 1200/-
  • Registration Fee (Two Co-Authors): INR 1800/-

For Participants from Nepal:

I. Student

  • Registration Fee (Single Author): NPR 1000.
  • Registration Fee (Two Co-Authors): NPR 1600.

II. Research Scholar

  • Registration Fee (Single Author): NPR 1200
  • Registration Fee (Two Co-Authors): NPR 2000

III. Academician and Professional

  • Registration Fee (Single Author): NPR 1500
  • Registration Fee (Two Co-Authors): NPR 2500

For Participants from other countries:

I. Student

  • Registration Fee (Single Author): USD 15*
  • Registration Fee (Two Co-Authors): USD 20*

II. Research Scholar

  • Registration Fee (Single Author): USD 20*
  • Registration Fee (Two Co-Authors): USD 30*

III. Academician and Professional

  • Registration Fee (Single Author): USD 30*
  • Registration Fee (Two Co-Authors): USD 45*
*For participants from other countries, the International Conference Committee will provide the need-based scholarship in the total registration fees. A request for the scholarship should be sent along with the abstract.

1. Registration fee includes conference kit, high tea, and lunch.

2. All the delegates are requested to bring one ID Proof along with them. This applies only to Indian Participants.


Accommodation facilities will not be provided to the participants. However, the Institution will provide the contact numbers of nearby hotels and guest houses.

Registration Details

  • Both in the case of single and co-authorship, all the participants are required to register separately.
  • While filling out the Google form, participants will be required to upload the screenshot or receipt of the payment made.
  • Therefore, the participants are first required to pay the registration fee and then register.
  • Registration can be done by filling out the following Google form by 20th October 2023.

Registration and Payment

Registration Form: [Click here]

Payment Details

Payment can be made through RTGS/NEFT or by using various online channels such as Paytm, Google Pay etc. The following are the bank details:

  • Bank/Branch Name: HDFC Bank, Samalkha, Panipat
  • Account Holder Name: Geeta Institute of Law
  • Account Number: 13251450000062
  • IFSC Code: HDFC0001325
For International Payments, in place of the IFSC Code, use SWIFT CODE: HDFCINBB

Note: Kindly take the screenshot or receipt of payment to upload in the Google form while registering. The registration fee is not refundable.


Brochure: [Click here to view]


Email: [email protected]

Ph: +91-9896036400

Important Links

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