Job Opportunity: Field Investigators with NLU Delhi Project on Indigenous Mechanism for Dispensation of Justice in India
NLU Delhi is inviting applications for the Field Investigators with NLU Delhi's Project. Scroll down for more details!

NLU Delhi is inviting applications for the Field Investigators with NLU Delhi's Project on Indigenous Mechanism for Dispensation of Justice in India.
About the Project
"Justice delayed is justice denied” is one common aphorism that is often referred to in the judicial system of any civilized society. The achievement of some of the fundamental objectives of such a civilized society gets frustrated if the administration of justice is unfair, complicated and time consuming. The present research study intends to take up an in-depth analysis as to why present judiciary system in India in unable to yield desired results.
There is a need to decipher various causes of mounting court arrears and judicial delays, in light of a vision to explore plausible solutions to remedy the gaps in the present system of dispensation of justice. Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICCSR), Ministry of Education (MoE) is the funding agency of this research that aims to conduct cutting edge research for policy implications.
Field investigators on a full-time basis.
Number of Vacancies
Three (3).
INR 16000/- per month. The position and travel expenditure incurred for the field survey will be incurred from the project grant sanctioned by the ICSSR.
Duration of the Project
The duration shall be for a period of 3 months initially. It may be extended as per the requirement.
Working hours
09.00 AM - 5.00 PM (Monday-Saturday). Full-time employment.
Job Description
- To travel within India, primarily in courts situated in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Sikkim for collection and compilation of data
- To undertake empirical research
- Collection and compilation of primary and secondary data and analysis of the data with support of software
- Assistance in research and publication operations of the Centre
- Must be a Post-Graduate in Social Sciences
- Must be confident, and have excellent oral and communication skills
- Sound knowledge of conducting interviews, group discussions etc. for empirical research
- Well-versed with SPSS, Excel, Stata and/or other research software programs required for data compilation and data analysis
- Knowledge and experience in writing and publishing research articles/chapters/reports
- Well-conversant in Hindi and English both
- Candidate must be below 40 years old at the time of appointment
Application Procedure
All applicants are required to submit their applications by January 5, 2024. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.
Interested candidate may submit their applications with the following relevant documents to (email):
- Covering letter must mention the following in the subject line: “Application for the position of Field Investigator”.
- Detailed CV
- Statement of Purpose (not exceeding 500 words), explaining your interest in doing empirical survey and in working with the Project at CPL (NLU Delhi) as a Field Investigator
Only the shortlisted candidates will be called for Interview and no travel allowances will be paid if called for an interview.
- Application Deadline: January 05, 2024 (7.00 PM)
- A complete application with full bio-data and relevant documents should be mailed to: [email protected].
- Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted via email. If you do not hear from us within 3 weeks after the deadline, please assume that your application has not succeeded. It may not be possible to reply to individual queries about the status of applications.
- National Law University, Delhi reserves the right to conduct additional rounds of interviews, or written tests or simulation exercises.
- National Law University, Delhi reserves the right to conduct interviews and not fill these positions.
- The position shall be paid under the grants received from ICSSR.
Important Links
Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary, and Entrance Exams