4th Dr BS Goel Memorial National Virtual Moot Court Competition | IPEM Law Academy | 25th - 26th August 2023
Registration is being invited for the 4th Dr BS Goel Memorial National Virtual Moot Court Competition by IPEM Law Academy by 25 July 2023.

Registration is being invited for the 4th Dr BS Goel Memorial National Virtual Moot Court Competition by IPEM Law Academy by 25 July 2023.About the OrganizersIPEM Law Academy (NAAC Accredited) affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut and approved by the Bar Council of India, offering LLB (3 years), B.A. LL.B (5 years) and B Com LLB (5 Years) Courses.About 4th Dr BS Goel Memorial National Virtual Moot Court CompetitionIPEM Law Academy is organizing 4th Dr. B.S. Goel...
Registration is being invited for the 4th Dr BS Goel Memorial National Virtual Moot Court Competition by IPEM Law Academy by 25 July 2023.
About the Organizers
IPEM Law Academy (NAAC Accredited) affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut and approved by the Bar Council of India, offering LLB (3 years), B.A. LL.B (5 years) and B Com LLB (5 Years) Courses.
About 4th Dr BS Goel Memorial National Virtual Moot Court Competition
IPEM Law Academy is organizing 4th Dr. B.S. Goel Memorial National Virtual Moot Court Competition on 25th and 26th August 2023 (Friday and Saturday). Attractive Cash Prizes will be given to the Winners of the Competition, also every registered participant will be given an E-Certificate of Participation.
Rules and Regulations along with the Brochure of the event are enclosed for reference.
The Winner and the Runner-up shall be awarded a cash prize.
- The Winning Team shall be awarded a cash prize of 15,000/-INR along with E-Certificates.
- The Runner-ups Team shall be awarded a cash prize of 10,000/-INR along with E-Certificates.
- The Best Speaker shall be awarded a cash prize of 2,500/-INR along with E-Certificate.
- The Best Written Submission (Memorial) shall be awarded a cash prize of 5,000/-INR along with E-Certificates.
- The Best Researcher shall be awarded a cash prize of 2,500/-INR along with E-Certificate.
- All the participants shall be awarded E-certificates
Brochure: Click Here
The Students of 5-year integrated, B.A.LL.B. course and the students of 3 year LL.B. course.
Important Dates
- Closing of registration process: July 25, 2023 till 11.59 PM IST
- Last date for the clarification to moot proposition: July 29, 2023 till 11.59 PM IST
- Last date for the submission of the memorials: August 5, 2023 till 11.59 PM IST
Registration Procedure
- The Registration fee shall be Rs. 2,500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred only) for each participating team of 3 members (Two Speakers & one Researcher). No additional member shall be permitted.
- Each team shall complete the registration within the stipulated time.
- Fee once paid is non-refundable.
- The registration is a two-step process comprising of filling up of the registration form and payment of the registration fee as provided in the Brochure.
- Registration will be open till July 25, 2023(11:59 P. M. IST). The Initial Registration can be via google form : CLICK HERE
- For payment you can click on the payment link given in the brochure or scan the QR Code present in the Brochure at page no. 6
- Registration of a participant will complete only upon the payment of registration fees (Rs. 2500/-).
- Ms. Manjusha KV - Convenor | Assistant Professor (Law)
- [email protected]
- +91 90252 84633
- Mr. Suhail Khan - Co-convenor | Assistant Professor (Law)
- [email protected]
- +91 92197 82517
- Mr. Jitendra Gautam - Co-convenor | Assistant Professor (Law)
- [email protected]
- +91 70114 86467
Important Links
Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary, and Entrance Exams

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