4th JECRC Uttam Devi Mohanlal Khatuwala Memorial National Moot Court Competition 2023
School of Law, JECRC University is organising the 4th JECRC Uttam Devi Mohanlal Khatuwala Memorial National Moot Court Competition, 2023. Scroll for more details!

The Moot Court Society, School of Law, JECRC University is conducting the 4th JECRC Uttam Devi Mohanlal Khatuwala Memorial National Moot Court Competition, 2023 from 27th to 29th October 2023 at JECRC University Campus, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
About JECRC University
The JECRC Foundation has nurtured the education of over 4,000 students across 7 undergraduate programs in its two-decade journey. It has earned laurels for its students, faculty members, and the institute as a whole.
JECRC University, founded in 2012, is an institution that introduced the School of Law in 2017. Affiliated to the Bar Council of India, the School of Law has over 850 enrolled students and focuses on providing top-notch legal education. The aim of the JECRC School of Law is to impart quality legal education and maintain high standards of legal learning and research. School of Law has academic autonomy with flexibility in a curriculum that suits the requirements of Corporate, Bench and Bar.
The Moot Court Society at the School of Law, JECRC University provides students with a platform to showcase their legal acumen and skills. Our previous competition saw participation from over 35+ participating teams from renowned legal institutions across India.
About the Competition
Mooting gives a practical courtroom experience to law students, making them ready to face the real world and excel in the legal profession. Moot Court Society is elated to announce the 4th edition of the JECRC Uttam Devi Mohanlal Khtauwala Memorial National Moot Court Competition. This prestigious event aims not only to provide a platform for legal education but also to encourage dialogue on issues that shape our society. This year the moot problem is based on environmental law which reflects the pressing requirements of the present time. Distinguished legal luminaries and scholars have agreed to join the event as judges and mentors, further elevating the stature of the competition. In the past Moot Court Society has successfully conducted 3 editions of the National Moot Court Competition which witnessed zealous participation of law students all over India.
The competition will be conducted in 5 rounds taking place in offline mode and the venue for the same would be JECRC University, Jaipur.
The competition is open to students currently enrolled in 3-year LL.B or 5-year LL.B Courses in India. Not more than 1 team may represent an institution.
Composition of Team
Each team shall comprise a maximum of three students, with two speakers and one researcher (as needed).
Registration Procedure
Interested institutions may provisionally register themselves through the scanner provided in the poster of the event.
Registration Fee
- Interested teams will be required to make a payment of INR 1500/- via online transfer (NEFT) UPI at the time of final registration.
- Teams opting for accommodation will be required to make a payment of INR 1000/- per team per day at the time of final registration.
Registration Deadline
- Provisional Registration Deadline: 30th September, 2023
- Final Registration: 06th October 2023 [Extended]
Link for Provisional Registration: [Click here]
Awards and Prizes
The following perks shall be awarded in the competition:
- Winner: INR. 35,000 + a complimentary pass for the Veteran Plan (one-year subscription) of Legal Bites Law Library to each member of the winning team + a one-year complimentary subscription to EBC Learning+ Internship opportunity under Legal Vidhiya+ Certificate of Merit.
- Runner-Up: INR. 15,000 + complimentary pass for Aspirant Plan (6 months access) of Legal Bites Law Library to each member+ Certificate of Merit
- Best Memorial: INR. 11,000+ a complimentary pass for Aspirant Plan of Legal Bites Law Library + Certificate of Merit
- Best Speaker Male: INR. 11,000+ a complimentary pass for Aspirant Plan of Legal Bites Law Library + Internship opportunity under Legal Vidhiya+ Certificate of Merit
- Best Speaker Female: INR. 11,000+ a complimentary pass for Aspirant Plan of Legal Bites Law Library + Internship opportunity under Legal Vidhiya+ Certificate of Merit
- Best Environmental activist: INR. 5,000 + Internship opportunity under Legal Vidhiya+ Certificate of Appreciation
- Members of the top 8 teams excluding the winners and runners-up will be offered an exclusive flat 20% discount coupon applicable on Veteran Plan (Legal Bites Law Library) purchase.
- All the participants will be provided with one month of access to SCC Online web edition, 20% off on lawaspirants.com (a platform especially designed for the needs of aspirants of law, judiciary and other competitive examinations)
- Certificates shall be provided to all the participating teams.
Important Dates
- Deadline for Registration: 06th October 2023 [Extended]
- Deadline for clarification regarding Moot Problem: 10th October 2023
- Deadline for Submission of Soft Copy of Memorial: 13th October, 2023.
- Deadline for Submission of Hard Copy of Memorial: 20th October 2023
- Preliminary Round: 27th October 2023.
- Quarter-Finals and Semi-Finals: 28th October, 2023.
- Finals and Valedictory: 29th October 2023.
Moot Proposition and Rulebook: [Click here]
Email: [email protected] or +91-9982066885 for any further queries contact undersigned.
Ms. Himanshi Garg [Student Convenor]
- Ph: +91 7726924417
Ms. Ishita Jain [Student Co-Convenor]
- Ph: +91 6376667116
Important Links
Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary and Entrance Exams