1st Amity National Case Comment Writing Competition, 2018: Registration Open
About Amity Law School, Amity University Gurugram is glad to announce its 1st National Case Comment Writing Competition, 2018. The objective of this event to promote the importance of the latest landmark judgment passed in September 2018 by the Supreme Court. This competition will enable the participants to know that how these latest judgments have changed the overall… Read More »

About Amity Law School, Amity University Gurugram is glad to announce its 1st National Case Comment Writing Competition, 2018. The objective of this event to promote the importance of the latest landmark judgment passed in September 2018 by the Supreme Court. This competition will enable the participants to know that how these latest judgments have changed the overall course of justice. Eligibility It shall be an online event. The competition is open to all the students pursuing LL.B. (3...
Amity Law School, Amity University Gurugram is glad to announce its 1st National Case Comment Writing Competition, 2018. The objective of this event to promote the importance of the latest landmark judgment passed in September 2018 by the Supreme Court. This competition will enable the participants to know that how these latest judgments have changed the overall course of justice.
- It shall be an online event.
- The competition is open to all the students pursuing LL.B. (3 years or 5-year course) or LL.M. from any recognized university across India or preparing for the judiciary or pursuing any Bachelor Degree or Master Degree in any field.
- Co-authorship up to 02 participants is permitted.
- Any University / College can send as many entries as possible.
Submission Guidelines
- Words Limit: 3500 (including footnotes)
- Format: Docx. & PDF
- Font-Times new Roman
- Font Size: 14 for Headings, 12 for the text and 10 for the Footnotes
- Line Spacing: 1.5 for text and 1 for footnotes
- Alignment: Justified
- Margin: one inch each side
- The citation methodology to be followed is Harvard Bluebook (19th Edition)
Important Dates:
- Date of release of Official Notification: 6th October 2018
- Last date of Registration: 24th October 2018 (Updated)
- Last date for clarification and Allotment of team code: 25th October 2018
- Last Date of Submission of Soft Copy: 31st October 2018
- Declaration of Result: 12th November 2018
List of Cases for Case Comment (Choose 1)
- Indian Young Lawyers Association & Ors. v The State of Kerala & Ors. [W.P. (Civil) 373 of 2006] – (Women entry on Sabarimala Temple)
- Joseph Shine v Union of India, [WP (Criminal) No. 194 of 2017]- (Striking Down of Adultery Law passed on 27th September 2018)
- Justice KS Puttaswamy (Retd.) & Anr. v Union of India & Ors. [W.P. no. 494 of 2012]- ( Validity of Aadhaar Judgment passed on 26th September 2018)
- Navtej Singh Johar & Ors. v Union of India Thr. Secretary Ministry of Law & Justice,[ WP (Criminal) No. 76 of 2016]- (Sec. 377 Decriminalisation Case passed on 6th September 2018)
Submission Guidelines:
- The case comment should preferably include the following elements: procedural background, facts of the case, reasoning, disposition and lastly critical analysis.
- The submission must be original. No part of it should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Plagiarism of any sort will result in immediate disqualification.
- The case comment must be written in English only.
- All submissions must be emailed on [email protected] by 31st October 2018.
- The Name of the author should not be mentioned on the submission. All communication will be done through team codes. The inclusion of personal details anywhere in the soft copy of Case Comment will result in disqualification.
Registration Fee
- The Registration Fee is Rs. 500 for Individual Student and Rs. 800 for Co-Author.
- Mode of Payment: Registration Fees should be paid online via Payment Portal.
- Single Author, Click Here
- Co-Author, Click Here
- A confirmation mail will be sent on approval of registration.
- Registration fee is non refudable.
- 1st Prize – Medal + Certificate of Merit + 5000 INR
- 2nd Prize – Medal + Certificate of Merit + 3000 INR
- 3rd Prize – Medal + Certificate of Merit +2000 INR
- The certificates of participation will be awarded to all the participants.
For queries and clarifications please write to [email protected]. Kindly mention the subject of the mail as “Query for case comment”.
Or call:
Kshitij Sinha – +91 88262 54273
Muskan Shrivastava- +91 98915 05110
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