A, a manufacturer of Sugar Mill Plant, has entered into a contract for the turnkey project of the erection of Sugar Mill with B. B has desired that A should furnish a bank guarantee for the good performance.... Decide.

Find the answer to the mains question of the Law of Contract only on Legal Bites.

Update: 2023-08-19 10:10 GMT

Question: A, a manufacturer of Sugar Mill Plant, has entered into a contract for the turnkey project of the erection of Sugar Mill with B. B has desired that A should furnish a bank guarantee for the good performance of the plant for a period of one year from the date of handing over the complete plant. Within one month of the commissioning of the plant, B wrote to A that the plant is not giving projected results. B invokes the bank guarantee. A files a suit for a permanent...

Question: A, a manufacturer of Sugar Mill Plant, has entered into a contract for the turnkey project of the erection of Sugar Mill with B. B has desired that A should furnish a bank guarantee for the good performance of the plant for a period of one year from the date of handing over the complete plant. Within one month of the commissioning of the plant, B wrote to A that the plant is not giving projected results. B invokes the bank guarantee. A files a suit for a permanent injunction restraining the bank from paying the amount of the bank guarantee. Decide. [Punjab JS 2003]

Find the answer to the mains question of the Law of Contract only on Legal Bites. [A, a manufacturer of Sugar Mill Plant, has entered into a contract for the turnkey project of the erection of Sugar Mill with B. B has desired that A should furnish a bank guarantee for the good performance of the plant for a period of one year from the date of handing over the complete plant. Within one month of the commissioning of the plant, B wrote to A that the plant is not giving projected results. B invokes the bank guarantee. A files a suit for a permanent injunction restraining the bank from paying the amount of the bank guarantee. Decide.]


In the given scenario, A, a manufacturer of a Sugar Mill Plant, entered into a contract with B for the turnkey project of erecting a Sugar Mill. As part of the agreement, B requested A to provide a bank guarantee for the satisfactory performance of the plant for a period of one year from the date of handing over the complete plant. However, within one month of the plant's commissioning, B wrote to A claiming that the plant did not meet the projected results and invoked the bank guarantee. A, in response, files a suit seeking a permanent injunction to restrain the bank from paying the amount of the bank guarantee. Let's analyze the situation to determine the possible outcome.

In contracts involving bank guarantees, there are certain legal principles and conditions that need to be considered:

a. Independent Principle: A bank guarantee is an independent contract between the bank and the beneficiary (in this case, B). It is separate from the underlying contract between A and B. The bank's obligation to pay is not dependent on the merits or validity of any claim made by the beneficiary. It is generally a primary obligation of the bank to pay the amount as per the terms of the guarantee if the conditions specified in the guarantee are fulfilled.

b. Fraud Exception: The courts may intervene and issue an injunction to restrain the payment of the bank guarantee if it can be established that fraud has been committed. If A can prove that B's claim regarding the plant's performance is false or fraudulent, it may strengthen A's case for a permanent injunction.

Considering the above principles, A's chances of obtaining a permanent injunction to restrain the bank from paying the bank guarantee amount may be limited. A bank guarantee is an independent contract, and unless A can establish fraud or any other valid grounds for restraining the payment, it is likely that the court will not intervene.


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