Conveyance Deed of Gift
GIFT DEED FACTS Gautam intends to denote all his estate comprising land and buildings to his daughter Anusha in consideration of the natural love and affection he has for her. DRAFT A GIFT DEED This deed of Gift made on the 30th day of November: two thousand Twelve (30.11.2012). This deed of Gift executed by Sri Gautam, S/o.… Read More »

Gautam intends to denote all his estate comprising land and buildings to his daughter Anusha in consideration of the natural love and affection he has for her.
This deed of Gift made on the 30th day of November: two thousand Twelve (30.11.2012). This deed of Gift executed by Sri Gautam, S/o. Vijaya Murali Krishna, Hindu, aged about 70 years, Rtd District Collector, residing at 13-13-2323 Road, No: 20, Nacharam, Hyderabad (here in after called Donor) includes his heirs executors administrators) on ONE PART in favour of his only daughter by name Anusha, N/o. Akash Adiyas, Hindu aged about 32 years, House wife residing at 31-14-14, Danayya Street, Hyderabad (herein after called as a Donee) of otherpart.
WHERE as the Donar is a old man, having only one daughter Anusha and no male issues and the done and her husband are looking after him at this old age intend to gift the house No. 13-13-2323 Road No.20, Nacharam, Hyderabad, out of love and affections and others good causes as consideration.
Whereas the donor is the absolute owner of the house bearing D.No. 13-13-2323, Road No.20, Nacharam, Hyderabad at present market value of Rs.7,00,000/- with measurement of total 2,500 per feet i.e. east to west go feet and North to South 60 feet with the boundaries mentioned in the Schedule grants the said building by way of gift to Donee forever and the Donee here in shall enjoy the property with absolute rights as the owner collect rents and pay electric bill, house tax, water tax and other dues to the government here in as absolute owner without any interruption from the donor or any other perform.
IN WITNESSETH THEREOF THE DONOR has set his hand in the presence of witnesses on this the 30th day of November two thousand in 2012 at Hyderabad.
Hyderabad District, Hyderabad City, Hyderabad Corporation, Nacharam Road No. 20, D.No. 13-13-2323 with the following boundaries.
East : House of the donor D.No. 13-13-2323
West : House of Branch Manager
NORTH : House of Major Ramalalithan
South : Main Road
With doors, door, electricity, connections with meter, bore well will ½ H.P. Jet Pump. 1 Mango 2 guava, coconut trees etc.
(1) XXXXX (Suresh Rao)
(2) XXXXX (Nagesh Rao) XXXXX Donor