Delhi Judicial Services Mains 2017 Previous Year Paper (General Knowledge)
Candidates preparing for Delhi Judicial Services should solve the Delhi Judicial Services Mains 2017 Previous Year Paper and other previous year question papers before they face Prelims and Mains. Additionally, it gives an idea about the syllabus and the way to prepare the subjects by keeping the previous year’s questions in mind. All toppers are mindful and cognizant… Read More »

Candidates preparing for Delhi Judicial Services should solve the Delhi Judicial Services Mains 2017 Previous Year Paper and other previous year question papers before they face Prelims and Mains.
Additionally, it gives an idea about the syllabus and the way to prepare the subjects by keeping the previous year’s questions in mind. All toppers are mindful and cognizant of the types of questions asked by the DJS, to be aware of the various different tricks and types of questions. This should be done by every aspirant when starting their preparation. It is very important to have an overall understanding of the pattern and design of questions.
Only practising the authentic question papers will give you a real feel of the pattern and style of the questions. Here’s Delhi Judicial Services Mains 2017 Previous Year Paper (General Knowledge).
Delhi Judicial Services Main Written Examination 2017
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 200
- Please read the questions carefully and answer them as directed.
- All questions are compulsory unless specified.
- You are allowed 15 minutes time before the examination begins, during which you should read the question paper and, if you wish, highlight and/or make notes on the question paper. However, you are not allowed, under any circumstances, to open the answer sheet and start writing during this time.
- Support each of your answers with reasons, relevant legal provisions and legal principles. The length of the answer would not determine in marks.
Question 1
Write in about 200 words on any six of the following: (10 Marks x 6 = 60 Marks)
- Privatization of higher education in India
- The Rohingya Crises
- The effects of protectionism on the global economy
- China’s Belt and Road Initiative – development or debt trap?
- Discuss the impact of Brexit on the issue of immigration.
- Discuss the relationship between social security and State surveillance.
- Discuss the relevance of justice in the age of post-truth politics.
- Is the politicization of religion correct?
- Is historical revisionism an ideological apparatus in the hands of the State?
- Social media and democracy
- The moral crises of the modern economy
- Celebrity Culture
Question 2
Answer the following in a sentence: (1 Mark x 40 = 40 Marks)
- What is GI tag?
- Who is Kyllian Mbappe?
- What is aurora borealis?
- What is Je suis Charlie?
- What is #me too movement?
- Who won the Women’s US Open Tennis Championship 2018?
- What is Hammurabi’s Code?
- In which city Kamakhya temple is located?
- Which singer was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 2016?
- Name the person who is currently walking the migration route of humans out of Africa.
- In which is the “Wailing Wall” located?
- Why is the film “village Rockstars” in news”
- Which region of Ukraine has been occupied by Russia since 2014?
- What is Point Nemo?
- Who was Iqbal Bano?
- Who wrote the book Thinking Fast and Slow?
- Who composed the famous musical composition “Moonlight Sonata”?
- Which dance form is Pandit Birju Maharaj associated with?
- Which Indian athlete won a gold medal in a track event at the IAAF World U 20 Championship 2018?
- Whose novel is the film “Parineeta” based on?
- Name the mathematical sequence in which every number after the first two is the sum of two preceding ones.
- What does carte blanche mean?
- Which author wrote these famous lines: “We are such staff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.”
- Who was Capital Lakshmi Sehgal?
- Who was the first woman judge of the Supreme Court of India?
- Name the Indian musical instrument that consists of a set of water-filled cups that are struck with bamboo sticks.
- Which famous lawyer titled his autobiography, “Before Memory Fades: An Autobiography”?
- Which philosopher wrote, “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains”.
- Who wrote the story “Toba Tek Singh”?
- Name the Russian double agent who was poisoned by a military grade nerve agent in UK in March 2018?
- Who is the current prime minister of New Zealand?
- Name two persons appointed by the Government as the Committee of Management/Board of M/s. Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Service Ltd.
- What is the name of former Chief Justice of Bangladesh Supreme Court who is living in United States of America and is said to have sought asylum?
- Who is the Chief Minister of Karela?
- Name the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, who was arrested and is out on bail?
- Name the Managing Director of Gitanjali Gems Ltd.
- In which city are the 2020 Olympics going to be held?
- Who is the recipient of the UN Champions of the Earth Award, the highest environmental honour of the UN?
- Who was the first Judge to have been appointed to the Supreme Court of India directly from the Bar?
- Why are 6th and 9th August, 1945, remembered?
Part B – Language
Question 1
Read the following passage about the contemporary issue relating to Aadhaar. The passage refers to reasons reflecting one point of view. Frame your counterarguments (without being judgmental) in about 250 words: (40 Marks)
“Aadhaar perpetuates double standards in the way, Aadhaar is imposed on the poor and the privileged. The middle class is largely off the hook, except for the compulsory linkage with PAN cards, the poor, however, are left where they were exposed to the ordeal of Aadhaar seeding and authentication for every social benefit, however tiny.
The tall claims of what might be called the coalition of Aadhaar champions (COACH)… is largely an offshoot of the software industry, which has considerable power in India. Its open ambition to use Aadhaar as a platform to build wide-ranging applications. Most of these applications have nothing to do with welfare schemes. No doubt some COACH leaders believe in good faith that Aadhaar empowers the poor, but ultimately, the profit motive looms large. In this and other ways, the COACH is shot through with conflicts to interest.
In fact, it is a startling example of corporate invasion of public policy, with business consultants packing government committees, drafting laws, harvesting lucrative contracts and orchestrating Aadhaar’s public relations.
Predictably, the COACH went into overdrive after the Aadhaar judgment, with instant editorial aimed at setting the framework of public debate. This propaganda technique has paid off, ever since Aadhaar was sold as a ‘voluntary facility. More recently, the COACH managed to frame the Aadhaar debate as a trade-off between welfare and privacy, and then downplayed the privacy concerns. The framework hides the fact that the welfare gains from Aadhaar are not clear in the first place.”
Question 2
Prepare a precis of the following passage in about 150 words: (30 Marks)
“It may be asked why a specifically sociological perspective on law is justified and what such a perspective implies. In one sense law and sociology as forms of professional practice are similar in scope yet wholly opposed in method and aims. Law as a scholarly professional practice is concerned with elaboration of the practical art of government through rules. Its concern is explanatory and Sociology is concerned with the scientific study of social phenomena.
Its concern is explanatory and descriptive. The lawyer is essentially a person of affairs entrusted with part of the apparatus of regulation of social relations. The sociologist remain a relatively uncommitted observer.
Yet both law and sociology are concerned with the whole range of significant forms of social relationships. And in practice the criteria determining which relationships are significant are often similar, deriving from the same cultural assumptions or conceptions of policy relevance. Thus, law and sociology share a fundamental similar subject matter. Law is a practical craft of systemic knowledge social relations and institutions. Sociology is the scientific enterprise that seeks systematic knowledge of them.
Sociology is concerned with values, interaction patterns, and ideologies that underlie the basic structural arrangements in a society, many of which are embodied in law as substantive rules. Both sociology and law are concerned with norms, rules that prescribe the appropriate behaviour for people in a given situation. The study of conflict and conflict resolution are central in both disciplines. Both sociology and law are concerned with the nature of legitimate authority, the mechanisms of social control, issues of civil rights, power arrangements, and the relationship between public and private spheres.”
Question 3
Translate the given extract into Hindi: (40 Marks)
“Rural life was portrayed in a variety of ways in the past. For example, Bimal Roy’s Do Bigha Zameen, a 1950s film, is a moving account of a poor peasant struggling as a rickshaw-puller in the harsh environs of a metropolis to enable his family in his village to survive. The film begins with a song in praise of the rain gods, but when the monsoon fails, the protagonist of the film has no choice but to seek work in the city in order to pay off his debt to the moneylender.
If films such as Mirch Masala and Nishant vividly portray exploitation in rural India, other films such as Manoj Kumar’s Upkaar glorify the village, the agriculturalists, and the rural way of life in general. In these visions of arcadia, the village is a homogenous community with a thriving moral economy.
The city is where the undesirables live with their crass and immoral ways; it is the home of the black marketer and the swindler. Villagers do not drink, smoke or play fool in nightclubs as city people do. Khottey sikke and Adalat are two other films that advanced a similar massage. Lagaan, the mega-hit of 2002, also depicted the village as a community, where everybody pulled as one against the extortionist demands of British administrators in colonial times.
The departure from earlier ‘rural’ films was that it presented the upper crust with sympathy and did not criticize urban life. A clear signal of changing tastes!”
Question 4
Translate the given extract into English: (40 Marks)
प्राथमिक शिक्षा के दौर में अपने जीवन की जब पहली परीक्षा देकर मेरा बेटा कुछ चिन्तित सा घर लौटा तो मैने पूछ ही लिया था कि क्या बात है ऐसी । उत्तर था, पर्चा अच्छा नहीं हुआ। वह और आगे कुछ बताता, उससे पहले ही मैंने पूछा कि तुम्हारी कक्षा में और कितने साथी है। उत्तर था। चालीस। तब तो किसी-न-किसी को चालीसवां नम्बर पर भी आना पड़ेगा। वह तुम भी हो सकते हो। मुझे इससे कोई परेशानी नहीं होगी और तुम्हें भी नहीं होनी चाहिए। यह जो नम्बर गेम चल पड़ा है, इसका कोई अन्त नहीं है।
कृष्ण कुमारजी ने बहुत पहले एक सुन्दर लेख था, शायद आज से कोई छह बरस पहले शीर्षक था ‘जीरो सम गेम’। इस खेल में किसी को कोई लाभ नहीं हो रहा, लेकिन हमारी एक-दो पीढ़ियों को तो इसमें झोंक ही दिया गया हैं ।
घर का कचरा तो कभी-कभी दरी के नीचे भी डाल कर छिपा दिया जाता है। पर समाज में यदि यह भावना बढ़ती गयी कि 90 प्रतिशत से नीचे का कोई अर्थ नहीं तो हर वर्ष हमारी शिक्षण संस्थाओं से निकले इतने सारे असफल बता दिए गए छात्र, कहां जाएंगे? कितनी बड़ी दरी चाहिए 90 प्रतिशत से कम वाले इस नए कचरे को छिपाने के ne Aadha लिए? मीटरों नहीं, किलोमीटरो लम्बी-चौड़ी दरी। लगभग पूरा देश ढक जाए इतनी बड़ी दरी बनानी पड़ेगी। फिर दरी के नीचे वाले भला कब तक शांत बैठेंगे? दरी में वे जगह-जगह छेद करेंगे, उसे फाड़ कर उपर झांकेंगे।