Internship Experience at Gurugram Police Headquarter
While interning at Gurugram Police Headquarter, I had chosen GDPR as the research, I’ve teamed up with two other law students who were from different law schools. The main aim of the research was that how GDPR will affect the functioning of Law Enforcement Agencies, and how much beneficial it is for LEAs. Name, College, Year of Study Himanshu… Read More »

While interning at Gurugram Police Headquarter, I had chosen GDPR as the research, I’ve teamed up with two other law students who were from different law schools. The main aim of the research was that how GDPR will affect the functioning of Law Enforcement Agencies, and how much beneficial it is for LEAs.
Name, College, Year of Study
Himanshu Saini, Amity University, Gurugram, BBA-LLB (4th year)
Name of the Organization and Address
Harizan Colony, DLF Phase 5, Sector 43, Gurugram (Haryana)
Duration of the internship
One month
Team strength
There were around 81 students
Application Procedure
Every year in the month of May official notification published by the Gurugram Cyber Cell/ Police Station.
My house was near the commissioner office, so it was easy for me to commute daily, but most of the students were from different parts of the country so they adjusting in PGs in the Gurgaon itself.
First impression. The first day, formalities etc
On the first day, there was an inauguration ceremony of the internship and Commissioner of Police Mr. Sandeep Khirwar was the chief guest, followed by an introduction session, where all the interns introduced themselves addressing to the CP and Mr. Rakshit Tandon. Most of the students were from IT background like B.Tech, M.Tech, Cybersecurity and some of them were from law background and I was one of them. There were some special officers of Gurugram Cyber Police Station accompanied by CP and Rakshit Sir. We were given a brief about the aim of the internship. Then we had a lecture of Mr. Rakshit Tandon (Cyber Security Expert), in which he taught us about the various cyber-crimes are happening in our country, and most of them go unreported, whether it is happening with women or a child, or an innocent person.
Main tasks
We were given a variety of topics for the research project/ developing a tool for busting any kind of cybercrime which was supposed to submit before the presentation day. Some of the IT students were more focused on developing tools which would be helpful to police in busting cybercriminals. The projects should be prepared in groups as instructed by Rakshit Sir. Being a law student I had chosen GDPR as the research, I’ve teamed up with two other law students who were from different law schools. The main aim of the research was that how GDPR will affect the functioning of Law Enforcement Agencies, and how much beneficial it is for LEAs.
Work environment, people
The work environment was very much positive, which makes us to boost the energy inside in order to gain a lot from the experts. We were around 81 interns in strength from different parts of the country, some of them were from the south, some from East, some from West and rest from the north, and we have a blend of all parts of the country. Everyday timings were 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM with a 45 minutes lunch break, due to heavy workload on the Gurugram Police Cyber Cell, the weekends/ holidays was cut down from the timetable and the duration of the internship reduced to 20 days. The Chief coordinator of the internship was Mr. Rakshit Tandon. We had sessions with various cybersecurity and forensic experts like Deepak Kumar (Member of Digital Forensic and cyber intelligence), Ishaan Sinha (Cyber Crime Investigation Specialist), some lawyers who taught us about how law is keeping pace with the technology and corporate sector companies like DLF, Uber, Paytm, Delhivery, KPMG, Home Credit, etc.
Best things
We were taken for a visit to the Cyber Police Station, Gurugram where we had an interaction with Assistant Commissioner of Police Cyber Crime, Dr. Hitesh Yadav and also we have seen the functioning of the Cyber Crime Police Station like who complaints are registered, how criminals are tracked down, forensic labs and IO rooms. After seeing the dedication of the police officers, my respect towards them increased, they are working almost 24×7 to bust the cybercriminals who are hiding behind some VPN wall or fake IPs. The sessions taken by Ishaan Sir was really helpful to us because he had taught us about how operations are carried out on the field, he had also made us do the practical for better understanding. Rakshit Sir’s sessions were also good he had taught us about the basics of cyber security which helped us to better understand other experts and speakers.
The last and the best thing was the valedictory function, where the Commissioner of Police Shri K.K Rao accompanied by Assistant Commissioner of Police, Chief Executive of Paytm, Delhivery team and Rakshit Sir has given us the certificates, followed by a small photo session for the memories.
Bad things
No bad things, it was a wonderful experience.
What did you do to chill
During the break period we all go to the canteen which is in the new Commissioner Office, and there we used to discuss the sessions, and after the end of the day, we used to click pictures selfies for creating memories.
No stipend but gained a lot of knowledge.
Biggest lessons
It was an amazing journey with all other interns, and our mentors, Assistant Commissioner of Police, and Sandeep Sir who supported us throughout the internship, in a short span of time we had become a family, it’s an honor to be a part of this internship under Gurugram Police and Rakshit Sir.
Always try to gain knowledge, work hard, expertise your skills and be an asset to the Nation.
By- Himanshu Saini
Amity University Gurgaon
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