In conversation with Advocate Divya Darshan Sharma, Hony. Secretary of Delhi Bar Association
Divya Darshan Sharma is Hony. Secretary of Delhi Bar Association, an eminent lawyer and a social activist. He hails from a middle class family of Uttar Pradesh. He completed his education from MJP University Rohalkhand. Thereafter he joined bar in 1996 and after his continued struggle and perseverance he became a successful lawyer and then after he is… Read More »

Divya Darshan Sharma is Hony. Secretary of Delhi Bar Association, an eminent lawyer and a social activist. He hails from a middle class family of Uttar Pradesh. He completed his education from MJP University Rohalkhand. Thereafter he joined bar in 1996 and after his continued struggle and perseverance he became a successful lawyer and then after he is Hony. Secretary of Delhi Bar Association. DBA is the largest bar in Asia with more than 15000 members. He has a charming personality and is somewhat a refined Harvey specter. He is just 44 years and he is already an inspiration for many.
Legal Bites: Sir, you have been in the profession for almost around two decades now. Can you share your experience as a lawyer starting from your initial years at the Bar to the pinnacle of the profession.
Mr. Sharma: The initial years at the Bar were years of struggle, but taught me the simple truth, that perseverance prevails. My life, in a very significant way is defined by my journey as a lawyer. It has been an arduous journey but an enriching one. The ennobling moment with Honorable Justice TS Thakur, Mr. Ram Jethmalani, experience during the bar elections and the training received during my earlier years at the bar from my seniors remain my fondest memories as is the experience of thrill in the court battles.
Legal Bites: Sir, do you think there is a surplus of Law Students and deficit in terms of those actually taking litigation as an area of practice? How much importance do you give to literature and biography in development?
Mr. Sharma: I believe that to become a true lawyer experience of litigation is a must. I would advise every aspiring lawyer to spend at least one year in the trial Court to sharpen the mind. It is the trial court where the roots of every case is laid down so its required that one understands the intricacies of the trial court before practicing in a superior court. Coming on to the importance of Literature “It is in literature that the concrete outlook of humanity receives its expression.”– Alfred North Whitehead. Literature ignites that fire of imagining things and shaping your desires into a dream and then into a reality. And imagination on the other hand helps you build your intellectual and emotional quotient. I read various novels and Munsi Premchand’s creation is my favorites.
Legal Bites: As a Hony. Secretary of Delhi Bar Association, how will you describe a busy day in the office?
Mr. Sharma: The range of responsibilities of a Hony. Secretary of DBA is vast and requires reading, deliberation and reflection. Between reading of files, attending to work, meeting visitors, conferring when necessary with officials and bar members in discharging official duties makes it tight. Almost every infrastructural act comes under its preview unlike other association, so I have to be very concerned about each affair.
Legal Bites: Can you share your experience of the most difficult case(s) of your career as a Counsel? What moment of the profession do you cherish the most?
Mr. Sharma: I am civil lawyer but sometimes I do go for criminal cases. In a recent case concerning the charge of rape, I was the counsel for the accused and in that I had to prove the age of girl to be major in order to seek justice. The 10+2 certificate and other documents showed her age to be less than 16 but de facto she was a major and was eligible to give a valid consent for sex. I had to approach High Court for bail, where the court directed for a speedy trial as the girl acknowledged of herself being above sixteen and that her parents have not mentioned the original Date of Birth. The same words were stated by the witness and the decision rolled in our favor. This was, indeed a very satisfying and encouraging experience.
Legal Bites: Sir, you have seen all sides of the table; starting as a law student then to a legal counsel, then to the Hony. Secretary of DBA, you have had a rewarding journey. How has the journey been and what are the experiences you would share with our readers?
Mr. Sharma: As I said, it has been an arduous but a rewarding journey. A long haul with many ups and downs but then as has been said “life not put to test is not worth living”. Mine has been a life put to test. There was a time when I used to dream of an office in the bar then it was for this post. At this moment in time, I feel truly blessed with my exertions having been fully rewarded. I feel contended and fulfilled and this can only be with the Lord’s blessings.
Legal Bites: Sir, it is very inspiring to know that you have come so far in the legal profession as a first-generation lawyer. What is your message to the young lawyers who are setting out in this profession?
Mr. Sharma: My message is very simple: No quick-fixes in the law! If you want to make money, it is guaranteed that you will make money but, not quickly. The minute you decide to opt for a quick-fix and you know what I mean, find shortcuts, compromise on your integrity, compromise on the integrity of the system, as far I am concerned, it's all over. Therefore, my message would be, particularly, if you are into litigation, you must have the patience to wait. Success will follow you; it cannot avoid you. It's like a shadow; it must necessarily follow you. And another thing of course, is hard work, it's not going to come on a platter. You need to be passionate and back you strength to achieve your goals.
Thank you so much sir for your time, consideration and “Tis Hazari Nama”. We wish you all happiness and health in future.