Legal Bites is proud to announce the October Edition of its Blog Writing Competition 2020. This competition aims to provide ample opportunities to the students, academicians, and other people where they can express their thoughts, hone their talent, and be a part of this competition and upgrade their respective knowledge and writing skills. The primary purpose behind this competition… Read More »

Legal Bites is proud to announce the October Edition of its Blog Writing Competition 2020. This competition aims to provide ample opportunities to the students, academicians, and other people where they can express their thoughts, hone their talent, and be a part of this competition and upgrade their respective knowledge and writing skills.

The primary purpose behind this competition is to dive into finding different opinions on the relevant legal topics in today’s time. We believe that every person should have an opinion on issues in the world today. More importantly, people should be able to back up their opinions and explain their views. We would like to get connected with like-minded and passionate hearts for Creatively writing.

Categories of Submissions

  • Articles
  • Blogs
  • Book Reviews
  • Case Comment
  • Opinions


  • The article must be submitted in the English language only.
  • Co-authorship of a maximum of two members is allowed.
  • No part of the article should contain any identification of the author. Every participant will be allotted a Submission Code.
  • Citation style must be uniform throughout the document and the Bluebook 20th Edition citation must be followed.
  • All submissions must be original and a bonafide effort of the participants and should not be submitted for any other purpose except the competition.

Book Review

  • Review should be of any social or legal book, that has been read by the participant, only in the English language.
  • Book Review should contain the following points:
  • Introductory Paragraph – Title, Name of the author, Genre, Summary, and evaluation/conclusion and reasons as to why the book captured your heart.
  • Books can be fiction, non-fiction, or general in nature but not textbooks.

Case Comment

The case comment should preferably include the following elements: procedural background, facts of the case, reasoning, disposition, and lastly critical analysis.

  1. Background
  2. Facts of the Case
  3. Reasoning
  4. Disposition
  5. Critical Analysis

General Guidelines

  1. All submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter stating the name(s) of the authors, their institution/affiliation, the title of the submission, and contact details.
  2. The length of the submission should be between 1500 to 2500 words excluding citations.
  3. Co-authorship (up to a maximum of 2 authors) is permitted.
  4. The body of the paper shall be in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 single line spacing.
  5. Kindly follow the Harvard Bluebook Citation Style.
  6. All submissions must be original, unpublished, and should not have been submitted for review to other journals.
  7. Please send in your submissions in MS/Open Word (*.doc OR *.docx)
  8. Authors are required to provide an abstract of 100-150 words along with keywords that represent the essence of the submission. The abstract is to be submitted along with the article itself.
  9. The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter, in the mail body itself, specifying the author’s name, designation, institute, contact number, and email for future reference.
  10. All entries should be submitted in .doc/.docx format.
  11. The subject of the e-mail should be titled “Submission for LB September Blog [Category Chosen]”.
  12. E-certificates will be awarded to the authors of each published blog.
  13. Co-authorship of a maximum of 2 authors is permitted.
  14. The author(s) bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions, or views stated in their submission.
  15. Copyright of all submissions shall remain with Legal Bites.

General Formatting Guidelines


  1. Font – Times New Roman
  2. Font Size – 12
  3. Alignment – Justified
  4. Margin – Normal (1” or 2.54 cm on all sides)
  5. Line Spacing – 1.5


  1. Font – Times New Roman
  2. Font Size – 10
  3. Alignment – Justified
  4. Line Spacing – 1

Registration Fee

There is no registration fee for this competition.


Kindly fill out the form mentioned below to register.

Click here to fill the form


  1. Winner: 2000 INR + Certificate of Publication.
  2. Shortlisted submissions will be published on our website.
  3. Certificate of Publication will be issued to the shortlisted submissions of participants.

No Certificate of Participation will be issued.

Submission Procedure

All submissions must be made on or before 11:59 p.m., 15th October 2020. Please send original, unpublished work.

Submissions must only be sent to [email protected], Subject line must be [Submission LB Blog Writing Oct]


Email: [email protected]

Ph: +91-78360 70747 (WhatsApp)

  1. How To Draft An Employment Contract | Learn Here
  2. 5 Tips On How To Craft The Best Legal Paper
Updated On 2 Oct 2020 7:05 AM IST
Admin Legal Bites

Admin Legal Bites

Legal Bites Study Materials correspond to what is taught in law schools and what is tested in competitive exams. It pledges to offer a competitive advantage, prepare for tests, and save a lot of money.

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