Journal on Governance, National Law University Jodhpur is inviting submissions of original articles and comments for Volume IV Issue II with a deadline of receipts of submission being 15th July 2021.   About the Journal The Centre for Corporate Governance is a research hub under the rubrics of National Law University, Jodhpur, dedicated to research and development of governance standards… Read More »

Journal on Governance, National Law University Jodhpur is inviting submissions of original articles and comments for Volume IV Issue II with a deadline of receipts of submission being 15th July 2021.

About the Journal

The Centre for Corporate Governance is a research hub under the rubrics of National Law University, Jodhpur, dedicated to research and development of governance standards for the corporate world. To promote holistic research on areas covered within the broad ambit of corporate law, the Centre came out with a bi-annual publication in 2008, known as Journal on Governance (also known as ‘Journal on Corporate Law and Governance’).

The Journal on Corporate Law & Governance [“JCLG”] is evidence of invincible research, thought-provoking ideas and significant academic and intellectual standards. It offers a forum for critical research on the interplay of contemporary corporate law issues, both from an academic and industry perspective.

The Journal is peer-reviewed with ISSN serial publication No. 0976-0369 and indexed on SCC Online. Along with exploring the various problems and challenges that affect the corporate world, the Journal attempts to examine and offer workable solutions, which may help regulatory and policy decisions. Our previous issues boast of scholarly discourses from eminent legal practitioners, academicians, research scholars and students. Please visit our website for accessing our previous issues.

The Editorial Board of the Journal welcomes submissions of original articles, comments and discussion within the aim and scope of the Journal for Volume IV, Issue II.

About the Institution

National Law University, Jodhpur is an institution of national prominence established under the National Law University, Jodhpur Act, 1999 by Rajasthan State Legislation. The University is established for the advancement of learning, teaching, research and diffusion of knowledge in the field of law.


The broad theme of the Journal for Volume IV Issue II is “Evolving Precepts of Corporate Governance: Lessons to learn and unlearn.”


The sub-themes for this issue are as follows:

  1. Analysing the Tata – Mistry feud: a quest for balancing the stakes and upholding corporate democracy.
  2. Addressing the ‘Glass Cliff’ challenge within the current corporate governance framework.
  3. The implications of Blockchain technology on corporate governance in India.
  4. Regulatory challenges arising due to the emergence of Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC) in the Indian corporate environment.
  5. ESG reporting: Promoting sustainability, social responsibility and good governance in corporate performance in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  6. Corporate offences in India: To criminalise or to not to criminalise?
  7. Changing rules for appointment of independent directors: with greater independence comes greater liability?
  8. Separating the role of CEO and MD: Avoiding totalitarianism and encouraging corporate governance.
  9. Efficient corporate governance in the aftermath of the corporate insolvency resolution process.
  10. Recalibrating the standards of disclosure, regulation and enforcement in corporate governance.

Please note that the list of sub-themes is merely suggestive and non-exhaustive in nature. The authors can choose to submit manuscripts on other relevant and contemporary topics.


The Journal invites academicians, practitioners, students of law pursuing their LL.B (Hons.)/LL.B/LL.M from any recognized university to submit their entries.

Submission Deadline

The deadline for receipt of submissions is 15 July 2021.

Submission Guidelines

Please note that the submissions must conform to the following requirements:

  • The author(s) may contribute to the Journal in the form of Articles, Notes, Comments and Case Analysis.
  • The acceptable length of Articles is >4500 words, and of Notes, Comments & Case Analysis is between 2500-4500 words, including footnotes.
  • All submissions must include an abstract of not more than 300 words, explaining the main idea, objective of the article and the conclusions drawn from it.
  • Each submission may have maximum of two authors.
  • The manuscript should be on A4 sized paper, in Garamond, font size 12, 1.5 line Spacing, justified and 1-inch margins on each side. Footnotes should be in Garamond, font size 10 and with single line spacing.
  • The Authors must conform to the Bluebook (20th edition) Uniform System of Citation. Please refer to our guide to Bluebook (20th edition) here.
  • The Manuscript should not contain any identification of the author/s, which shall be a ground for rejection of the submission. Authors should provide their contact details, designation, institutional affiliation and address in the covering letter for the submission.
  • The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to direct rejection.
  • The relevant sources should be duly acknowledged as footnotes. The decision of the Editorial Board in this regard shall be final.

Submission Procedure

  • Authors are requested to send an electronic version of their manuscripts .doc or .docx format to [email protected] with the subject as “Submission- [Name of Author] –Volume IV Issue II.”
  • The document name must be in the following format “[Name of Authors(s)] – [Title of submission].”
  • The e-mail must contain a covering letter providing the contact details, designation, institutional affiliation and address of the authors.

Editorial Policy

  • Manuscripts shall be assessed through a three-stage Blind Review Procedure. Reviewers shall not be informed of the author’s name, university, year in college, or any other personal information.
  • The Journal publishes only original and unpublished material. Manuscripts must therefore not, at any time during the period of consideration by the Journal, be considered for publication in any other place, nor published beforehand.
  • The author must inform the Journal if he/she has submitted the manuscript to other platforms prior to its acceptance for publication in the Journal. The author must withdraw his/her submission accordingly.
  • JCLG is committed to open access for academic work. All the articles published in the JCLG are freely accessible immediately from the date of publication. The Journal doesn’t charge the authors any fee or charge prior to publication, and no charge for any reader for accessing and downloading our articles for their own personal use.

Contact us

All queries may be addressed to the Editorial Board at [email protected].

Additionally, you may also contact:

  1. Ashutosh Arvind Kumar (Editor-in-Chief): +91-8333008783 [email protected]
  2. Krishan Singhal (Editor-in-Chief): +91-7597121241 [email protected]

Click here for additional details regarding the Journal.

Reported By: George EC

Executive Editor, Journal for Corporate Law & Governance (NLUJ)

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