VII NCU National Moot Court Competition | School of Law, The NorthCap University
School of Law, The NorthCap University is organising VII NCU National Moot Court Competition from 2nd – 3rd September, 2022. About School of Law, The NorthCap University The vision of the School of Law is to be ranked amongst some of the best law schools of India and the most preferred private university destination for law aspirants. School of… Read More »

School of Law, The NorthCap University is organising VII NCU National Moot Court Competition from 2nd – 3rd September, 2022.
About School of Law, The NorthCap University
The vision of the School of Law is to be ranked amongst some of the best law schools of India and the most preferred private university destination for law aspirants. School of Law at The NorthCap University provides the highest quality professional legal education to equip the students for a transnational practice and to face the challenges posed by the internationalization of the legal profession.
The School has continually strived to achieve excellence in legal education through interactive teaching learning process, clinical opportunities, exposure to the legal profession through internships and externships, industry ready curricula and innumerable opportunities to interact with the stalwarts in the legal profession. The faculty at the School grooms the knowledge, skills and values of all the students to make them not only competent legal professionals but also complete human beings.
Apart from a team of competent and dedicated law teachers, a host of other legal professionals like judges, eminent lawyers, in-house general counsels, activists, bureaucrats and leaders of the bar and the bench, regularly groom our students on layering and critical legal thinking skills. Integration of the study of Law with Management subjects not only assists in developing our law students to excel as Lawyers but also as great Managers.
Moot Court Committee, NCU Law School
The Moot Court Committee at the NCU Law School, Gurugram encompasses the spirit for mooting that NCU recognizes as its own. Apart from maintaining a strong internal mooting structure, the Committee has been entrusted with the responsibility of hosting annually, the NCU Law School National Moot Court Competition. To this extent, the Committee is proud to find itself entrusted with the organization of a very prestigious and well respected moot court competition on Environmental Laws.
The Committee also makes efforts to inculcate the fresher batch with the techniques of mooting and therefore conducts regular sessions on court manners and arranges for the Intra-Moot Competitions. Given the extraordinary amounts of preparatory work involved in the organization of the various events, the Committee is an ever-bustling centre of activity, and is without wonder, a coveted committee to be in.
About NCU National Moot Court Competition
This edition of the moot court at the NCU, Gurugram sets out the case of a country where, despite the increasing demand of electricity and depleting natural resources, it has committed to creating a cumulative carbon sink of 2.5-3 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent by 2030. Based on a country where 57% of the electricity generation is still dependent on coal, this year’s moot proposition revolves around the issues related to environmental approvals required for setting up a nuclear power plant.
Nuclear Power Plants, being water intrinsic units, are generally built in coastal regions. Therefore, local laws of the country set out an obligation on the project proponent of large infrastructure projects to be built in coastal regions to take prior “Coastal Regulation Zone Clearance” as well as to obtain the Environment Clearance after conducting a detailed “Environmental Impact Assessment”.
This assessment establishes the baseline status of various environmental components viz. air, noise, water, land, biological, radiological, socio economic and to evaluate & predict the potential impacts due to the proposed activities. The assessment also includes preparation of an Environmental Management Plan for the predicted impact on the environment. However, the people living in the vicinity of the proposed project size may not always agree to the environmental clearances received by the project proponent.
Therefore, it can be said that this year’s moot proposition requires a deep understanding of the Environmental Impact Assessments. The moot proposition touches upon the aspect of Right to life and clean and safe environment. This year’s moot court competition aims to look for an answer to a complicated question, “whether the basis to allow a project shall be sustainable development or complete satisfaction of inhabitants?
Eligibility Criteria
- Law schools/Colleges/ Institutes/ Universities, recognized by the Bar Council of India, are eligible to participate in the MCC. The participants should currently be pursuing their Bachelor’s degree in law i.e., Three Year or Five Year Law Courses. Students who have completed their law courses are not eligible to participate in the competition.
- Only one team can register from a particular law school/College/ Institution/University to participate in the MCC.
- Only those members designated as Speakers will be permitted to put forth oral arguments in the Competition.
- Teams are supposed to complete provisional registration by 29th July, 2022 by sending a soft copy of registration form at “ [email protected]”.
- There’s no limitation on the number of teams participating in NMCC 2022, as long as the registration is done within the due date. Participating teams will receive confirmation of their participation via e-mail on 1 st August, 2022.
- The selected teams are required to submit a soft copy of the Registration Form, Travel Form and Demand Draft of participation fee of Rs. 4000/- (Rupees Four Thousand Only) drawn in favour of “THE NORTHCAP UNIVERSITY” payable at Gurugram/New Delhi on or before 19th August, 2022
Important Dates
- Last Date for Provisional Registration (Registration form): 29th July 2022
- Communication of confirmation to selected teams: 1st August 2022
- Last Date for receiving questions seeking clarifications: 17th August 2022
- Last Date for soft copy of Demand Draft, Travel Details and Registration Form:19th August 2022
- Release of clarifications, if any: 20th August 2022
- Last Date for submission of soft copy of memorials: 26th August 2022 by 11:59 PM
- Last Date for submission of Hardcopy of Memorials, DD, Travel & Registration Form: 30th August2022
- Inaugural Ceremony, Draw of Lots and Exchange of Memorials: 2nd September 2022
- Preliminary Round: 2nd September 2022
- Draw of Lots and Quarter Finals: 2nd September 2022
- Draw of Lots for Semi Finals: 2nd September 2022
- Semi Finals and Finals: 3rd September 2022
- Valedictory Ceremony: 3rd September 2022
Important Links
- Faculty Convenor:
- Dr. Pallavi Bajpai, Assistant Professor (Sel. Grade)
- Email: [email protected]
- Dr. Pallavi Bajpai, Assistant Professor (Sel. Grade)
- Faculty Members:
- Ms. Arushi Anthwal, Assistant Professor
- Mr. Mohit Vats, Assistant Professor
- Student Core (Communication & Registrations)
- Ms. Nikky Jha
- Mobile No: +91 96119 48987
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Ms. Nikky Jha
Submitted By: Organising Committee