It gives us immense pleasure to announce that the Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, is organising its 1st HPNLU National Virtual Moot Court Competition 2020. About the Competition The National Moot Court Competition is an endeavour to offer law students an opportunity to develop skills which are crucial for growing into a successful lawyer and to expose… Read More »

It gives us immense pleasure to announce that the Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, is organising its 1st HPNLU National Virtual Moot Court Competition 2020.

About the Competition

The National Moot Court Competition is an endeavour to offer law students an opportunity to develop skills which are crucial for growing into a successful lawyer and to expose them to the developing frontiers of law which shall help them to develop holistically. With this objective, we are delighted to invite your esteemed institution to the 1st HPNLU National Moot Court Competition scheduled from November 28-29, 2020 at Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla via online mode.

About the Organiser

The Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla is a premier Law University in India established by the Himachal Pradesh National Law University Act, 2016 (16 of 2016). The University commenced operations on 5th October 2016 and currently administers batches of B.A. / B.B.A. LL.B, LL.M (one year programme) and Ph.D.


Faculty of Law/Law School/Universities is invited to participate in the 1st HPNLU National Virtual Moot Court Competition, 2020 by registering on or before October 28, 2020. Only one team can register from one institution/college. Members of the team must be undergraduate students, pursing Bachelors of Law Degree (5-year integrated course or 3-year).

Registration Fee

The participating team is required to pay INR 1,000/- as registration fee.


Click here to Register


The following awards shall be awarded in the Competition:

  1. Best Team: Team winning the final round of the Competition shall be given a cash prize of INR 10,000/- (INR Ten Thousand Only).
  2. Runners Up: The runners up team in the final round of the Competition shall be given a cash prize of INR 7,500/- (INR Seven Thousand Five Hundred Only).
  3. Best Speaker: The speaker having the highest score in the preliminary rounds shall be given A cash prize of INR3,000/- (INR Three Thousand Only).
  4. Best Memorial: The team having the highest average written submission score from both sides shall be given a cash prize of INR 3,000 /- (INR Three Thousand Only)
  5. E-Certificates of merit shall be given to all the teams qualifying for the Advanced Rounds.
  6. E-Certificate of participation shall be given to all the participating teams.

For Moot Problem and Brochure Click here

Important Dates

  1. Notification of Competition & Release of Moot Proposition: 12th October 2020
  2. Last date of Registration: 28th October 2020
  3. Last date for seeking Clarifications 30th October 2020
  4. Release of Clarifications & Team Codes 2nd November 2020
  5. Last date for submission of soft copies of Memorials 12th November 2020
  6. Draw of Lots and Exchange of Memorial* 27th November 2020 (Evening)
  7. Inauguration: 28th November 2020
  8. Preliminary Round: 28th November 2020
  9. Quarter-Final Rounds & Semi-Final: 29th November 2020
  10. Final Round & Valedictory: 29th November 2020

*Draw of lots will be uploaded on the University website one-day prior to the competition. The Google meet link for the Virtual Moot Court Competition will be provided well before the date of the Competition.


All clarifications and queries regarding the Moot Proposition and Rules & Regulations shall be sought only via e-mail to [email protected].

Reported by: Dr. Chandreshwari Minhas

Convener, Moot Committee

  1. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973: Notes, Case Laws And Study Material
  2. How To Prepare For A Moot Court Competition | Part I Moot Court Memorial
Updated On 16 Oct 2020 10:09 AM IST
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