DME National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law: A Close Interface
The Law School of Delhi Metropolitan Education is organizing a two-day virtual DME National Conference on the theme “Artificial Intelligence and Law: A Close Interface” on 25th and 26th February 2021. About DME National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law by DME Ethics and law are inextricably connected in this modern contemporary era, and thereby many legal decisions… Read More »

The Law School of Delhi Metropolitan Education is organizing a two-day virtual DME National Conference on the theme “Artificial Intelligence and Law: A Close Interface” on 25th and 26th February 2021.
About DME National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law by DME
Ethics and law are inextricably connected in this modern contemporary era, and thereby many legal decisions arise from the interpretation of various ethical issues surrounding them. Artificial intelligence adds a different and a new dimension to these questions. Systems that use artificial intelligence technologies today are becoming increasingly autonomous in terms of the complexity of the tasks they can perform, their potential impact on the world and the diminishing ability of humans to understand, predict and control their functioning.
The legal problems run even deeper. A system that has the ability to adapt from the information it receives from the outside world can act in ways that its creators could not have predicted, and predictability is crucial to modern legal approaches. What is more, in future, such systems could operate independently from their creators thus complicating the task of determining responsibility. These characteristics pose problems related to predictability and the ability to act independently while at the same time not being held responsible. The law seems to be playing catch up to the technological innovations across the globe in this area. Artificial intelligence thus raises various ethical, social and legal challenges, that this conference at its heart aims to discuss.
This two-day virtual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law aims to bring together leading academicians, scientists, research scholars, faculty members, students and other relevant stakeholders to exchange and share their experiences, ideas and research results on all aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Law. It also seeks to provide a premier interdisciplinary platform to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted on the theme.
About the Organisers
Delhi Metropolitan Education (DME) is an ‘A’ grade premier educational institute affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU), New Delhi. DME imparts education in the fields of Law, Management and Journalism, with the law courses approved by the Bar Council of India. The institute is located in the IT hub of NCR and is housed in a splendid building laced with modern educational facilities, a sine qua non for enhancing students’ creativity and capabilities. The sister institutes of DME include Mayoor School, Noida (in collaboration with Mayo College, Ajmer), Delhi World Public School, Greater Noida (West) and Delhi Technical Campus (DTC), Greater Noida.
The conference is being organized by the DME Law School. The Law school offers 5-year integrated B.A., LL.B & B.B.A., LL.B programs and practices project-based pedagogy with a strong connect between the classroom teaching and evolving legal & corporate needs.
Call for Contributors
Academicians, scientists, research scholars, faculty members, students and other relevant stakeholders of all disciplines are invited to contribute in this conference. Further, high-quality research papers describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas related to Artificial Intelligence and Law are cordially invited for presentation at the conference.
Major Sub-Themes
- Decrypting AI regularization and its policy dynamics
- Artificial Intelligence and Law: International Relations and Public Diplomacy
- Scope of splinternet & 5G governance in multilateral governance & data sovereignty policy
- Legal and political repercussions of privatization of autonomous and augmented systems in space and conflict activities
- Assessing the scope, liability and interpretability of the paralytic nature of AI ethics board in corporeal entities
- AI and Its Interplay with Data Privacy, Data Protection & Allied Existing Regimes
- The role and framework of plurilateralism in AI-enabled crimes and judicial governance
- Artificial Intelligence in the health care sector: Legalities involved
- Ethical Governance and auditing via artificial intelligence systems: Ethical issues of AI and Law technology and its applications;
- Robotics and AI systems: Regulation by the data protection regimes
- Advanced Intelligent Maritime Safety and Technology (Ai-MAST) and its legal nuances
- Legal Dimensions of AI and Nanotechnology
- The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Downstream Oil Industry
- Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space
- Juris-informatics: Legal Issues in informatics
- Computational models of legal knowledge, reasoning, and decision making
- Artificial intelligence systems that are being used in the legal domains
- Dynamic epistemic logic of belief changes in legal judgments
- Legal personality of robots
- Artificial intelligence for justice: E-government, e-democracy and e-justice
- Legal knowledge representation, including legal ontologies and common-sense knowledge;
- Modelling negotiation and contract formation- Technical and legal aspects of smart contracts and application of blockchain technology in the legal domain;
- Big data and data analytics for and in the legal domain;
- Legal Regulation of AI in India with a focus on Privacy
- Issues pertaining to use of artificial intelligence programmes in defence and conflict.
Date and Mode
Date: 25th – 26th February 2021 (Thursday and Friday)
Mode: The Conference will be virtual, conducted over Zoom platform.
Registration and Payment
The participants must register themselves along with the abstract latest by Sunday, 10th January 2021. Each participant shall have to pay nominal registration fees of Rs.100/- at the time of submission of abstracts to participate in the conference. The abstract in word document format should be attached in the google form along with the details in the link mentioned below.
Participants may Register at Click here to Register
Fee payable through IMPS/NEFT:
- Delhi Metropolitan Education
- HDFC Bank Ltd., Sector 18, Noida
- Account No: 50100187447560 (Savings Account)
- IFSC: HDFC0001592
Click here to view Brochure
Important Dates
- Last date for registration and submission of Abstracts: 10th January 2021
- Last date for submission of full Articles: 22nd January 2021
- Intimation & Final listing of accepted papers after Review: 29th January 2021
- National Conference: 25th-26th February 2021
Guidelines for Paper Submission
- Well researched papers, articles and case studies are invited from students, scholars/researchers, faculties, bar and bench and other professionals.
- Co-authorship upto two authors are permitted. Each co-author would be required to pay the registration fees separately.
- The manuscript must be typed in MS Word Times New Roman, Font size 12 and 1.5 spacing on A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides.
- Footnotes should follow uniform ILI style of citation.
- The papers should be thematic and not more than 4000 words (3000-4000 words is appreciable). Each paper should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words.
- The sub-themes provided are merely indicative and not exhaustive. Participants are free to choose any topic of their choice relevant to the central theme of the conference.
- The abstract as well as the article should indicate title of the paper, name of the author(s) and organization(s), contact number, relevant sub-theme and e-mail address.
- Research papers/articles submitted should be accompanied with a declaration by the author(s), stating that the contents of the research paper are original and have not been published elsewhere.
- All papers shall be strictly subjected to anti-plagiarism software and shall be scrutinized through blind review of the Editorial board.
- Authors of the selected research papers shall have an option of publication in UGC CARE Listed Journal/ Journal with ISSN or in a book bearing ISBN at an additional cost.
- The abstract and the complete papers to be sent at [email protected]
- Ms. Bedapriya Lahiri: +91-83052 61053
- Ms. Sreedurga T. N: +91-88265 59126
Reported by: Bedapriya Lahiri
Assistant Professor (Law), Delhi Metropolitan Education, Noida