Legal Bites offers Research Methodology study materials to aid students, lawyers, and researchers.

Legal Bites offers Research Methodology study materials to aid students, lawyers, and researchers. The comprehensive approach makes this series a valuable resource for anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of research methodology. Legal Bites is committed to providing quality educational materials and is an indispensable source for learning and growth in this field.

Research Methodology - Notes, Case Laws And Study Material
(Topics to be updated Soon)

Module-I: Introduction

  1. Meaning of Research
  2. Objectives of Research
  3. Motivation in Research
  4. Types of Research
  5. Significance of Research
  6. Research Methods versus Methodology

Module II: Research Problem

  1. Necessity of Defining the Problem
  2. Technique Involved in Defining a Problem

Module III: Research Design

  1. Meaning of Research Design
  2. Need for Research Design
  3. Features of a Good Design
  4. Important Concepts Relating to Research Design

Module IV: Doctrinal & Non-Doctrinal Research

  1. Aims and Basic Tools of Doctrinal Research
  2. Advantages and Limitations of Doctrinal Research
  3. Aims and Basic Tools of Non-Doctrinal Research
  4. Advantages and Limitations of Non-Doctrinal Research
  5. Inter-relation between Doctrinal and Non-Doctrinal Research

Module V: Hypothesis

  1. Nature of Hypothesis
  2. Importance and Use of Hypothesis in Research Methodology.
  3. Sources of Hypothesis.
  4. Relationship between Variables and Hypothesis
  5. Types of Hypothesis.
  6. Characteristics of a Good Hypothesis

Module VI: Sampling Fundamentals

  1. Need of Sampling
  2. Kinds of Sampling

Module VII: Research Techniques

  1. Techniques of Data Collection
  2. Difference between Questionnaires and Schedules

Module VIII: Interpretation and Report Writing

  1. Technique of Interpretation
  2. Significance of Report Writing
  3. Different Steps in Writing Report
  4. Precautions for Writing Research Reports

Legal Research Methodology Question Answer Series: Important Questions for Exams

  1. Legal Research Methodology Question Answer Series 1
  2. Legal Research Methodology Question Answer Series 2
  3. Legal Research Methodology Question Answer Series 3
  4. Legal Research Methodology Question Answer Series 4

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Updated On 12 Aug 2024 12:02 PM GMT
Admin Legal Bites

Admin Legal Bites

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